6» Glass Vase

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Chapter Six

Glass Vase

<Fools rush in where angels fear to tread>


After Gryffindor's loss in their first Quidditch match of the season, James sulked for about a week, almost seeming determined to make everyone else miserable with him. Then, when his week-long pity party was done, he became his old self. Except even more arrogant and mischievous. No one was safe from his unexpected pranks and hexes.

"Thea, what are you reading?" James asked as he sat down across from her at breakfast one morning. She hadn't known him long, but she immediately recognized the smile on his face.

"It's a book called Ways to Hurt James Potter if He Puts a Dungbomb in Your Orange Juice Again."

"Oh, I love that book," said Sirius. "I've actually written a few chapters myself."

The night after the Quidditch match, an owl arrived at the window of the Gryffindor common room, tapping its black beak against the glass. Sirius discovered it was the letter from his parents Regulus had told him about. He didn't tell anyone what it said, but it was clear it was something important. He was acting strangely. He didn't say anything unless you were asking him a question, and even then his answers were brief. Thea could tell this was abnormal behavior for Sirius. He did his usual mischief-making with the rest of the Marauders and couldn't resist cracking a joke, but he mostly kept his head down.

Ramsey Boone had spent a couple days in he hospital wing with several broken bones. The Marauders, Thea and Lily had accompanied James to visit him, but visitors weren't allowed anymore after a couple of Slytherins somehow put Zonko's Belch Powder in the bottle of Draught of Peace, which Madame Pomfrey has given to Boone to help him relax. As captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he was very upset about losing the match, but instead of relaxing, Boone couldn't stop burping.

As November passed uneventfully, the weather changed dramatically. All the windows in the castle were too cold to touch and coated with snowflake-designed frost. No one dared venture outside unless it was absolutely necessary. Some people wore their cloaks inside for extra warmth.

Soon, another Hogsmeade weekend was upon them, so Lily decided to show Thea around the village.

"There's the post office," Lily said through chattering teeth. They continued walking down the festive-looking roads, their coats bundled tightly around them. They had just left Honeydukes, their pockets now stuffed with delicious sweets. "Ooh! The Three Broomsticks! We should grab a butter beer on the way back."

"Yeah, sure," said Thea. They continued walking down the street laden with bright Christmas trees and lights. "Where's Alice?"

"She's studying for her N.E.W.T. exams. It's really inspiring to see how dedicated she is to becoming an Auror."

     Thea nodded quietly, her nose tingling from the cold. It seemed crazy to be studying for an exam you wouldn't take until the end of the school year, but to Thea, that showed just how badly Alice wanted to be an Auror.

"How are your parents?"

     Thea's heart clenched painfully in surprise at the question, but she tried not to show it. She simply cleared her throat and looked straight ahead.

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