20» Disguised

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Chapter Twenty


<Speak of the devil>


For Thea, convincing Lily to spend a couple days during Easter break to visit the Potter's was easier than expected.

"Are you mad?" Lily said, slapping her potions essay on the table and giving her friend a flabbergasted look. "I- you- Thea! I can't go to James Potter's house!"

The two had been studying in the library for hours and were becoming restless. Thea rolled her eyes and leaned forward on the table, mimicking Lily's not-so-secretive stance.

"Lily," she said in a quiet, calming voice. "I'm going to be there too, and Sirius and James's parents. Come on, it'll be fun. Or would you rather spend all of break with your sister."

"She's not that bad, Thea," she replied with a sigh. "Petunia just doesn't understand. She's not a bad person."

"Would you rather be with your friends over break or her?"

Lily sighed and leaned back in her chair, her gaze glued to the stack of books in front of her.

"I'll write to my parents and ask," she said. Thea smiled.

"Thank you," she said. "James will be happy to hear it." She wiggled her eyebrows. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Well I can't leave you and Sirius alone together, now can I?"

Thea's smile dropped and she scowled at her friend, though she could feel her face blushing.

A few days later when Lily received a letter back from her parents, James couldn't stop smiling when he heard the good news. Sirius also seemed very excited for Easter break, so the Marauders didn't focus much on schoolwork the weeks before vacation.

"Hello, ladies," the velvety voice of James Potter said as he and the rest of the Marauders took their seats in the cabin. Thea sat closest to the window, looking up from her book for a moment. Lily sat across from her, her book now closed and resting beside her. "Mind if we sit with you?"

"You're already sitting, Potter," Thea said, but he ignored her. He was busy giving Lily a cocky lopsided grin that was making her blush.

"What are you reading?" Remus asked Thea. She showed him the cover of the book, The Muggles Guide to Understanding Wizardry.

"Ah yes," Sirius said, taking the book from her and flipping to one of the pages. "Just what you need."

"I got it for Aunt Ali," Thea said, rolling her eyes. "She's been driving me crazy ever since the incident with my mums grave. She won't stop sending me letters saying how scared and upset she is."

"And how is this going to help?" Sirius asked.

"I'm hoping that if she understands magic a bit more, then she won't be so afraid and will stop thinking that the garden gnome statues are plotting to attack."

"Pesky statues," Remus said, then took out a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Thea reached forward and grabbed a couple beans.

"You're looking a bit pale, Remus," she said.

"Didn't get much sleep last night," he said, popping a bean into his mouth. "Mm, blueberry."

"Why's that?"

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