No One Left

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Chapter 1

10 years since that fateful night. 10 years since I was orphaned along with my sister. 10 years there has been a whole in my heart.

'Life is but a dream for the dead', and unfortunately I don't think my parents' dream will come true. Ten years have passed since their death, and the pain in my heart still lingers. Living in Santa Carla when you are seven doesn't involve worrying about it being the murder capital of the world; but since then, I can't help but be cautious of what could be out there.

A happy family we were, always going down to the beach when the weather was nice, running around playing tag in the warm sand with my sister, building sandcastles with mom, attempting to fish with dad. I truly miss those days, but now it all seems to fade away. One night, like once every week, our parents would go out to dinner alone as grownups. My sister Taylor and I would always wait up to say goodnight to them when they had returned. This night, however, they didn't come home when they usually would, but we didn't think anything of it. We waited and waited for them for what would seem like forever, but in reality was a mere two hours. Our eyes were heavy and we eventually succumbed to sleep.

Lying unnaturally still and in rather uncomfortable positions on my tiny bed, we jumped a foot hearing a phone ring early in the morning. Taylor ran to the kitchen, almost slipping onto the cold tile, trying to reach the phone. Shakily she answered, and after a few moments, her eyes grew wide. I tried asking who it was and what was going on, but she merely 'shushed' me away. The line went dead after Taylor said, "Okay, see you soon."

I didn't bombard her with questions like my instincts told me to, but sat on the ground, and quietly looked up to her. She sighed, tears springing up in her grey eyes. "Brooke, um… mom and dad aren't coming home." She whispered, hugging me close. We stayed that way until two officers came to our house. They started talking to Taylor and she asked me to go to my room. Wondering what was so secretive, I made my way out of sight, but very well heard the conversation.

Our parents were found in an alley with their necks snapped apparently.  They were covered in blood and their limbs were torn off.   That is all I wanted to hear, so ran up to my room and cried my eyes out. What monster would do this?  Tear us apart, leaving me and my sister alone in the world.  I would never again see my mom telling me bedtime stories, or my dad tickling me until my head hurt from laughing. They were gone forever.

Hours later I was on a plane with my sister, heading to Colorado. Our distant aunt decided to take us in, to raise us. So, shipping a seven and a twelve year old out of the murder capital of the world was supposed to be a new start, but the memories have haunted me from that day on. Taylor has always been there for me, and I can't imagine a world without her.

Now seventeen, and fresh out of high school, I'm ready to start my life, a life out of the boundaries of the mountains. Taylor has received news that we still own our childhood home out in Santa Carla, and for the life of me, I don't know how she talked me into going back with her, but she has. I hope this doesn't count as suicide.


Our old beat up Chevy cruised along, filled with two tone mute singing girls. The drive was long and tiring, but eventually we could see waves crashing off in the distance. This place looked like it belonged on the back of a postcard; I don't remember it being this beautiful. The breeze made this sunny day gorgeous, and the sounds of joyous cries filled the air. Closing my eyes, I laid back, enjoying this pristine moment. That moment ended too soon, and we approached our old home.

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