No Time To Waste

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So, I would like to apologize, sincerely. I'm kicking my own ass because I've realized that this story hasn't been updated in about...a year! I've come up with a multitude of excuses as well, and that's not too cool, but I want to thank all of you guys for reading and reviewing! Enjoy!

Chapter 13

Paul's Pov

"You little bitch!" Marko chuckled, and the rest of the guys joined in.

"I like this one; she's been able to embarrass the jokester!" Dwayne smiled.

"It sounds to me like Brooke's already taken your manhood away, Paul." David grinned. They all cackled.

"Fuck you guys." I muttered, looking down. She really got the one-up on me. "How do I know she's supposed to be my mate anyway?" I questioned, not really looking for anyone to answer.

"Well," a new voice boomed, "you don't want to make a meal of her." From the mouth cave Max stood with a grin, adjusting his glasses. "You are also already overly protective my dear boy; you've got to be careful with that." He grinned.

"Yeah, what do you want Max?" David asked lazily, lighting up another cigarette.

"We may need to speed up the uh, 'vamping up' process with your mate, young one." He said carefully, looking at the bejeweled bottle of blood lying about. It was filled with the blood of five of us, and the majority had been Max's; he was supposed to be our 'father' after all. We all gave him weary looks.

"What made you come to that marvelous decision, Max?" I grinned snidely. If I wanted to do something, damn well I was going to do it on my own time!

"There are some pressing matters that we need to attend to, boys." Max said calmly, but looking at him, even he looked a little troubled. Looking his way, we signaled for our sire to continue. "Well, you have all managed to meet our little parasite problem." He frowned, and then laughed.

"C'mon Max, they're immature." I grinned.

"Even more immature than Paul! We can handle 'em." Marko smirked, and I flipped him off, causing him to give me that deceptive little Cheshire grin of his.

"Focus boys." Max said, and we all turned our attention back his way. "If they don't comply about leaving, rip them to shreds, got it?" He stated with a snide grin. There was no question in his tone; this time around it was a command. I mean we wouldn't need an order to take 'em out; that's just another fun thing to do on the agenda. "Along with that," he continued his tone darker, "your mate may just lead us to hunters, my sons." That comic book could lead to trouble that Brooke had. How ironic the situation could be…if she only knew. I let out a goofy grin at the thought.

"Lover boy, snap out of it." Marko said, throwing one of the old pillows from the couch at me. "You've still gotta change her bud."

"Piece of cake." I countered.

"Make it quick; we can work out the complications later." Max added.

"It'll all be fine, Max." David began. "He actually has a date with the girl." He snickered, and the guys added in.

"I actually have an ice breaker if you get stuck trying to talk to her!" Marko added sheepishly. I usually don't talk to girls…if you catch my drift. Manwhore. I heard once again reverberating off of the walls of my rather empty head, so shaking it away I looked to Marko so he'd continue. "All you have to do is sit up straight, wrap an arm around her, lean into her ear and say 'It's a shame that I can't thank your folks for giving me such a beautiful-oh wait!" and with that he broke out into laughter. I let myself frown…that's gonna be a rough on to tell her. 'Hey, Brooke, I kind of killed your parents, sorry, I didn't know.' Max sent a confused look my way but shook it off and stood.

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