I Just Want To Go

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Once more into the rabbit hole-let's get the start of a steamy love story. Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Chapter 15

Brooke's POV

I was warm. I was cozy. I was in a cocoon, and it was all mine. I had found myself completely surrounded in covers: some soft, some cushy, some scratchy, and some smooth. It was bliss, and I dared not to move in fear that my little bubble of warmth would pop. I opened my eyes: darkness. I took a deep breath: musky. I listened: murmurs in the background. A crackle of a fire was present. And in my comforting fortress, I was not alone. But I did not cower, nor fear, nor hide, for I was safe. Even when footsteps approached and I felt the bed dip, I was comfy and content.

"Wakey wakey." A voice whispered, and I peeked my head out from under the covers. Seeing Paul sitting next to me was quite the view, but a blast of cold air sneaked into my fortress and I covered my head in the blankets once more. He chuckled.

"Hey." I whispered from my fortress.

"Hey." He whispered back. "Well, you fell asleep last night...and this is the first place I thought of bringing you."

"What time is it?" I questioned, peeking my head out once more.

"It's just about 8:30, doll face." He smirked, and I nodded.

"It's still pretty early; let me sleeeeeeeep." I groaned and turned on my side.

"It's night time, and I think you've slept for long enough." I sprung up. Night time?

"And man, you were out of it!" A voice chirped in. Marko came walking up to us with a sly grin on his boyish face.

"So much for that lunch, huh?" I asked Paul and he smiled.

"Maybe another time."

Marko gave Paul an odd look but shrugged it off and looked to me. "Well aren't you two cute."

"Get a room." Was added from across the way, and I spotted the others. Dwayne sat there grinning, and David was preoccupied with a cigarette...but something was off.

"What's up fellas?" I asked, and they merely shrugged.

"Oh, just waiting on the snoring queen." Paul winked at me, and I pushed him off the bed. "Somebody's cranky." He added, and the others grinned.

We journeyed to the boardwalk after a little coaxing to get out of bed and I walked with my hands in my pockets. The guys were goofing off, but as for me I was completely overwhelmed by the lights and sounds that I looked down.

"Everything alright?" Paul wondered, coming close and throwing an arm around my waist.

"I'm not feeling so hot." I stated simply. Everything was a little off, and I didn't know how else to tell them. He frowned, pulling me closer and turned towards the others who were still goofing off.

"Come with me. You guys go on ahead." They looked at me oddly, but nodded.

"Okay Paul." David nodded calmly. "We'll meet up with you guys later." And with that we walked off in different directions. My feet were on auto pilot, and Paul led us through the crowd, down to the beach, and out to a dock. He sat down with his feet dangling off the side, and pulled me into his lap.

"What's the matter?" He asked, caressing my hair. He was being tender...and believe it or not I liked this demeanor a whole bunch more than how he acted around the others.

"...Maybe I have a fever...or am getting sick." I answered after a moment. It was rational after all; we were out pretty late the night before. I heard his stomach growl and stifled a laugh. He looked down questioningly.

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