Some Fun

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Chapter 4

Paul’s Pov

Brooke?  Brooke!  She’s here! I smiled, and we slowly came to a stop by the railing.  Marko scoffed.

“Well where else do you think she would be?” he asked, getting off his ride.

“Wait.” Dwayne said.  “Is this the girl you’ve been thinking about all night?”  Did everyone know?

“Yes.” David sighed as he lit up a cigarette.  They all turned to her.  She was heading towards the parking lot.  “You know, you need to get a hold of your thoughts; they’re giving me a headache.”  Marko laughed.

“Paul?  You can’t teach him!  He’s like a dog that will never learn.”

“What is the big deal about this girl?  Who is she?”  David asked, clearly agitated.

“Paul’s new interest.” Marko scoffed, wagging his brows.

“Eh, shut up.” I glared.

“She’s not just an interest.” Dwayne acknowledged.

“What do you mean?”

“If she was just and interest,” Dwayne pointed out, “he would have had her in bed, and she would be drained.”  I went stiff, as well as Marko and David.  A moment later, Marko was cracking up, and even David chuckled. 

“What’s so funny?” I asked stiffly.  This only caused the guys to get louder with their laughing.  A few menacing glared quieted them down, before David cleared his throat.

“You’re pretty funny Paul.  Dwayne’s right, if she were a quick thing; she would be dead by now.  Heck, you wouldn’t even remember her name.  Something’s off.  What is it?” he asked, staring me down.  And let me tell you, even after all these years, that look still gets to me.  Before I had the chance to respond, Marko spoke up.

“When we first came to town, we killed her parents.”  David’s face was blank, only moments before he snapped to us.

“How would you know that you killed her parents?”  Marko and I looked to each other before I nodded slightly.

“We met her yesterday, and she seemed…different.” I told carefully.  “We decided to…investigate.”

“You mean snoop.”  Dwayne corrected.  Together, Marko and I grinned.  David merely rolled his eyes, lighting up a cigarette.

 “Look, I don’t see why you care if you killed her parents or not.  It shouldn’t matter.”  David whispered flatly.  I only shrugged my shoulders.  This little gesture sure seemed to get his attention.  Cocking his head my way, he raised a brow. 

“Not a word to say Paul?  Well, something’s up.  Maybe we should see why Paul’s acting this way.  I think it’s time we meet this Brooke.  What do you think Dwayne?” he asked, throwing the cigarette to the ground.

“Why not.” And with that, they revved their engines, and quickly took off.

“Crap.” I muttered.

“Hey, man.  She knows us, let’s get to her before they do.  You know David can be a little…intimidating.” Marko said with a grin.  Nodding, I too revved my engine, taking to the parking lot, Marko hot on my trail.

Brooke’s Pov

I hate parking lots.

Not to mention that I parked in the back and that it’s nighttime.  Great job Brooke; real swell.  The cat-calls and hoots of laughter from passerbies didn’t help.  Then, just as I came in range or seeing my car, a hundred feet away, I heard the familiar roar of motorcycles.

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