Be Brave, Little One

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Psssst! Just a warning...there is quite a violent scene ahead. If you are not ready for the Boys to do their vampire thing, abort this chapter. Abort, abort. If you are ready for some rad vampire gobily-goop, please proceed.

Chapter 18

Mo's Pov

Madness I tell you. I didn't mean for this to happen; everyone charged, and I stood there like a blubbering idiot. I've never fought vampires. Stupid Molly, what have you gotten yourself into? Chester said such terrible things about Paul and the others...I didn't even think twice about it. If they were vampires, Brooke would royally be in the shits. I didn't even tell my brothers; come to think about it, I didn't have the time to.

At that moment the worst possible thing could've happened: Brooke keeled over and started coughing up blood. From my right slow, menacing laughter erupted from Chester.

"What are you doing?" I asked in disbelief.

"Thanks for the help sweets." He winked. "Without your help, I would've never been able to snag your cute friend away from them." He snickered, eyes turning red and fangs breaking to the surface. Oh fuck no. What have I done?

Paul's Pov

Brooke's friend had been thrown to the ground by Chester, but I had bigger fish to fry. Brooke cried out next to me and I knew she was suffering, but I couldn't do anything about it.

Keep her safe, Paul. David growled out, lunging towards one of Chester's goons. Marko and Dwayne raced forward to tackle more vampires; but what they lacked in power they made up for in number. There had to be at least ten of them. I leaned down once more to check on Brooke, but before I had the chance to stand back up someone jumped on my back, trying to scratch at my neck. Oh fuck that; I shifted in no time flat and threw them over my shoulder, digging my nails in his arms. A successful yelp came from the bastard's throat, and I ripped his head clean from his shoulders. With every crunch of his bones he gurgled up blood and I laughed, throwing him into a lit fire.

A second lunged at me, and we danced until he backed up into Marko, who held his arms down. I clawed at his chest and neck, my nails breaking flesh with ease, and the young vampire looked as scared as a human. Let me finish this, dude. Marko laughed, and he pulled at individual ribs until bone broke through. That's hella rad.

David groaned out from next to me, dealing with one of the tougher vampires. I rushed up to help, but he attacked and bit his head with such verocity that blood flew. David tore an arm off, then a leg, and repeated this process. He obviously didn't need my help. Another vampire caught my attention, aiming towards Molly, and I lunged at him, crunching down hard on his knee. The vampire hissed and clawed at me, slicing into my arm. But that's about all the strength he had. I slammed my boot down onto his other leg and his legs were bending the wrong way. He couldn't get up, and I bid into his arm, draining the vain with bitter, sour blood. Spitting it back at him, he was already dead.

Looking around, the remainder of the vampires were being finished off, and I started throwing bodies into the fire. That seemed easy enough.

"Where's the leader?" David grumbled, still on alert. I looked around, and Chester was nowhere to be seen. "Paul?"

"I don't know man." I shook my head.

"Maybe the coward ran off." Marko suggested.

"Ran off? You think so little of me?" I new voice cackled. Chester bounded up the hill, getting dangerously close to...Brooke. No. NO. "I suppose I gave you a chance; but if I can't have the beauty, why should you?" His hands were behind his back. I'm going to snap his neck.

Be careful. David warned.

"What do you mean?" I called out.

"I always get what I want. So I'll give you one last chance. Let me take the girl." He said, glancing down at Brooke, who was shaking in the fetal position. "Or else." he warned.

"Fat chance." I barked, and started running at him.

From behind his back he pulled out a wooden stake, and in one swoop he stabbed Brooke in the abdomen. "Your choice, remember?" She grabbed at the stake, breathing rapidly, tears running down her face.

"NO!" I screamed and flew, knocking him over and picked him up by his shoulders. I flew as high as I could, Chester grabbing at me. "You're gonna pay, asshole." I was seeing red, and started ripping at his clothes, at his ears, at his eyes. His eyes. I turned all of my focus to clawing them out, and he quickly caught wind of this. I smashed his nose in, blood splattering across my face. He groaned and dug his nails into m side, blood seeping down my white pants. He glanced down at the work he did on my leg and smirked, but that gave me just enough time to grasp onto his head, claw at his fucking pathetic cheek, and pull at his left eye. I snapped it from it's chord and hurled into his hollering mouth.

"Noooo!" he choked.

His face was spewing with blood, and I was quickly getting out of control. I have to end this. His hands went to his face, but I grabbed at the top of his skull and the base of his jaw, and in one fluid motion pushed them towards one another. I crushed his head in. After a moment his body went limp, and I descended back down to the ground.

Paul, hurry. I looked towards the direction of the others, and hurried over to Brooke. She was crying, but her breath was slow. Looking my way, she closed her eyes tight and tried to turn away.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Brooke." I went to hold her, but Dwayne held me back.

"You could injure her. She's losing a lot of blood." He said, contemplating.

"Just give her my blood! We have to save her." I retorted.

"No." David added. "She needs to change. If not, she'll die." He said solemnly. But there was no one going to be out this late. It was almost sun up.

"What are we going to do? I can't lose her." I began to weep. Brooke looked my way slowly. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much." I said kissing her hand. She ruggedly inhaled.

"I love you too. Even if you are a cry baby." She whispered, trying to lighten the situation. I smiled.

"You need blood. I don't have time to explain." she still had the stake sticking out from her.

"We could take out the stake?" Marko asked, but Dwayne shook his head. Not until she had blood. She'll bleed out."

"That's not an option." I growled coldly, weaving Brooke's hand with mine.

Mo's Pov

I have to do something. This is all my fault.

"W-what do I have to do?" I asked quietly...kind of hoping they couldn't hear me. Four heads snapped my way.

Hiya! I have some terrible news...this story is almost over...but I also have the last chapter written. So expect it within the week. I want to thank you guys for loving on my Lost Boys stories, and I'd love to know what you guys think of this chapter. Brooks and Paul's story was the first story I was madly excited to write about, even though Samantha Emerson was ridiculously awesome to compose. I ramble. Love always, -Crimsonsky132

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