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Good morning! Time for battle!-ft the Lost Boys

Chapter 17

Paul's Pov

Brooke was in shock, and in my arms I rushed her to the cave. The guys were on edge, and we all knew that Chester's gang had taken it too far. Marko meted me at the entryway and looked at Brooke.

"She knows." It wasn't a question; he knew she was going through hell. I should've told her... We hurried in, and Max there, talking to Dwayne and David.

"One of their goons tried to attack her." I spat, and Brooke cringed in my arms. Max looked her way with a hint of sympathy, and I set her down onto the bed.

"Time to take the fight to them, boys. Their messes are causing more harm for us than good, and we have to keep the killings under wraps." Max ordered. We all nodded, and I thought about that slimy bastard, Chester. He wouldn't get near Brooke.

"Whatever we do, you have to keep your cool Paul. Got it?" David spoke most impatiently. I looked to him for confirmation.

"Tonight we plan; tomorrow we end this." Max concluded, and left the cave. The others talked strategy as I went over to Brooke. She was scared, but her eyes were no longer red. Picking her up, I took her to my own room in the back, for a little more privacy. I had a lot of explaining to do.

I laid her in my messy bed and sat next to her, combing through her hair.

"You did this to me." She said after a while. I breathed in, and letting it out shortly, nodded. "Why?" her voice cracked.

"Because I can't live without you."

"Well, you're dead, so..." She said sarcastically.

"I should've told you, but the timing worked so well. I love you, Brooke. I want you. Forever." I said, tilting her chin up to see me. She gazed at me for a while, and tried to find words. Pulling me down to her, our noses were inches apart.

"You love me?" She was awestruck.

"Yeah." I said sheepishly. She took it in, after a while she gazed at me.

" didn't kill my sister?" She became worried.

"Oh, god no. Chester and his group of fuck-ups did." She embraced me.

"I'm scared of them."

"Psh, babe, they're just mince meat. We've been around a hellova lot longer, especially here in beautiful Santa Carla.

"How long?" She asked. Brooke's fear dissolved into awe.

"Almost eleven years, babe city. We were young and wild happening upon this place, and David knew that this is where the earthquake happened. Max set up shop, and here we are."

"Max...he owns the video store?"

"Yep." I grinned and pulled out a joint. "Forgive me?" I asked sheepishly.

"Mary-J in exchange for forever?" She giggled. "It's a start."

"So you're not mad?" I beamed. She shrugged.

"Well, you said you'd be here when there is no one left...and I love you too, Paul." She said after a moment. I was accepted by my mate in the middle of the night in an empty bed and a whole bunch of weed. It's bound to be one hell of a good night. I leaned down and kissed her gently, and oh man was she eager. She pulled me down to her, and let me tell you, there's nothing more exciting than a horny-half vampire between your legs.

Chester's Pov

"The sister really surprised me boss." Colin said glumly.

"Feisty is tamable." I smirked. "But first boys, we need something on our side." We took off to the boardwalk. That comic shop would be the best bet, and upon entering I found just what I needed.

"Are you Molly?" I asked coolly. "Brooke is in trouble; we need your help." The concern in her eyes showed that I really did strike the jackpot.

Brooke's Pov

I woke up in pain; the pounding in my head was nothing compared to my stomach ache. I could barely move, but turning over I came face to face with a sleeping Paul. The sheets covered our torsos and for a moment the pain was bearable. I laid my hand on his chest and he pulled me in, eyes still closed.

"Hey beautiful." He murmured.

"Hey." I croaked. My voice cracked and he shifted.

"You okay?"

"I'm not feeling so hot." I whispered, and grabbed at my stomach. There was a knock on the door.

"Show time, lovebirds." Marko said from the other side, and Paul sprang up in search of clothes.

Making our way down to the beach, Paul was uneasy. His hand had a death grip in mine and his brow was furrowed. Dwayne and David were in the lead and I walked between Paul and Marko. The air was tense, and the smell of stale blood filled the air. We saw them waiting by a bonfire, and as we arrived they stood one by one. We were outnumbered three to one, and I saw the icy eyed Chester with his malicious grin.

"Well well, it seems that we've overstayed our welcome, boys." He said snidely. David stepped forward, lighting a cigarette.

"And now you know the repercussions."

"Oh, I'm not quite sure about that. The girl you have? I still want her; it's been far too long since I've had such feisty company." Paul stepped forward defensively and David set his hand aside as if to tell him to stop. "How about we let her choose?" He said coolly.

"Eh, I'm good over here." I said quietly and his eyes bore into me.

"Now don't make such rash decisions. He snapped his fingers and from behind the lot of vampires a petite figure stepped through. They held water guns in each hand and had stakes around their waist...Coming closer, it was a girl. Not just any was Molly. I stepped forward, losing Paul's grip.

"Mo?" I gasped. She looked uncomfortable, but steady.

"Brooke, we need to get you out of here. I heard what they did to you."

"Molly, what are you-"

"You drank blood. And now I have to save you before you kill someone. I can't believe I thought the Lost Boys wanted to help. They've turned you into a monster." Her words stung.

"I'm not a monster." I was shook. Was she really turning their back on me?

"They killed your sister." Her voice was strong.

"N-no. Chester did." I shook my head.

"They killed your parents." I froze. Looking at Paul, he gazed at the ground.

"There's no way." I yelled to her. Silence. "D-did you?" I asked meekly. Looking around I saw Marko nod, and I felt like I was going to be sick. I dropped to my knees suddenly and the pain in my stomach was unbearable. It was like my blood was boiling and that my ribs were going to break. Tears started to stream down my face and the pounding in my head was louder than the pounding of the waves. Paul lifted me up, and I was dead weight.

"Brooke, I can save you." Mo stepped forward.

"How?" David smirked.

"By killing you vampires." And everyone charged.

Messy messy. What do you think should happen to Brooke, to Molly? Let me know what you think, and as always, much love-Crimsonsky132

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