To Hope

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HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. thoroughly happy with how this chapter turned out, and I hope you will too. Let me know what you think, and it's great to be back :')

Chapter 14

Brooke's POV

"So what about your sister?" Mo asked glumly.

"As far as I'm concerned, she can rot in hell." I retorted acidic.

"Well that's a real shame girly. But, you've got me and, hello, I'm kind of a big deal!" Mo smirked.

"Oh great, my hero." I finished sarcastically, and she threw a feather pillow at me. We were sitting lazily on her bed and she was sorting through clothes that I could borrow.

"Well this is completely pointless…" She grumbled after a moment. "I suppose you can borrow whatever the hell you want. Anything is better than the garb you brought over here."

"Gee, thanks." I muttered.

"Well doll face," she began, "Your threads are all clothes meant for Colorado, not big bad California." Sure, she has a point. "And let me tell you, you're not gonna snag a guy with merely jeans and oversized hoodies. I've got your back…like the guardian angel of fabulous clothes." She grinned, talking to herself.

"What a relief." I sighed, sitting up and catching her attention in the process. "I mean, it's not like I've got a date or anything." She stopped what she was doing.

"Give. Me. The. Details!" she squealed and I began to laugh.

"I asked the guy out…and he said yes? There's not much more to it, Molly."

"Whoa, wait! You got the jump on a guy?! Who is he? Is he cute?" her lips were going a mile a minute.

"He's…a total babe." I said sheepishly and Mo giggled. "And you know him; do you remember Paul?"

"Is he one of the biker punks you've been hanging out with?" Mo challenged, her attitude quickly changing.

"Well yes, but-"

"But nothing, Brooke. Look, they could be dangerous…like vampire dangerous." She emphasized. Give me a break.

"No way." I smiled.

"How do you know? They're creepy, I don't know their eating habits, and we never see them during the day. Have you? I've only seen 'em in the dead of night-"

"Then I'll ask him out to a lunch date, deal?" I smiled again. "That'll get rid of your little suspicion. Besides, I've found even creepier goons than my boys to fit your…vampiredescription." Wait…did I say 'my boys?'

"Who?" Mo snapped me back into the moment.

"It's another gang. The leader's a total dweeb and his name's Chester. Go check him out; it's hard to miss" I stated nonchalantly. Maybe she'll get off of my case now.

"Another gang?" Mo questioned, and I yawned.

"Yes, yes. Now shush, I'm tired." I concluded, and lay down.

Paul's POV

"So you know the plan?" Marko asked.


"And you're not gonna fuck it up?"


"Are you sure-"

"Yes. Yes. Fuck yes. I know the plan, Marko."

"No need to get all touchy." He giggled, and we both fell asleep.

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