New Friend

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Chapter 3

Paul’s Pov

Woah, I killed her parents…Why should I even care?  Why am I even here? Oh. Because of her; because of Brooke…What is so different about her?  With all of that waying on my mind, Marko and I placed everything back to where it should be, and flew off.  This is going to be a long night…

Brooke’s Pov

The early rays of the sun shone through the wide opened window causing me to groan and roll over…onto the floor…well this is a good start to the day.

After unpacking the coffee pot and toaster, I made myself a rather delightful breakfast.  Something was missing though; what am I forgetting?  After pondering nearly ten minutes, I decided to try and forget it and go out and enjoy the morning.  Stepping out onto the porch, with the question still waying heavily on my mind, I sat on one of the fold up chairs me and Taylor brought in the day before. Wait!  That’s what I’m forgetting; Taylor!

Jumping up, I made my way over to the truck.  Taylor was still out of it; her makeup smudged and her hair looked like a rats nest.  I couldn’t help but laugh, and even then she didn’t stir.  Tay-Tay, what am I going to do with you?  Outwardly sighing, I turned and headed back inside; Taylor can come in when she’s conscious.

After unpacking and taking a shower, Taylor finally decided to make an appearance.  She looked like a zombie, haha!   She slumped down on the couch and groaned loudly.

“So,” I said, “that’s what you get for getting totally plastered!”

“Ah, be quiet!  There’s no reason to yell.”

“I’m not yelling Tay.”

“Yeah!  You are.” She said, covering her face with her hands.

“Can you please try to be sober tonight?” I asked jokingly. 

“Eh, where’s the fun in that?” she complained.

“There is none.  Well at least clean up.  I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Where are you going Brooke?” she questioned.

“…To explore.  I’ve really forgotten this place.”  That was true; I really didn’t remember much from all those years ago.

“Well,” she sighed.  “have fun. Oh, and if you see Collin, tell him I had a blast last night, and that I can’t wait to see him.”  She smiled.  Seriously?  We’ve been here for a day, and she’s already fallen head over heels for someone.  Waving my hand, I grabbed the car keys and headed out.

The boardwalk is a big place…there is no other way to think of it.  Numerous small shops lined it, some offering the ultimate tourists supplies, others surf and beach shops, which were filled to the brink with people.  Clothing stores were numerous, and there were several little arcades stuck in-between.

After a good two hours of looking through stores I came across one I haven’t yet seen; a comic shop.  There weren’t too many people inside, so why not check it out? 

The door was creaky and a bell rung above my head as I entered.  Besides that noise, there was music quietly playing through the store.  Rows and rows of comics covered the walls and aisles.  They all displayed worn covers and smelled as if they were printed long ago; yet, this was an intriguing place. 

After only a couple of minutes of looking through the racks I was ambushed by two guys; rather quiet and somewhat intimidating.  One sported a bandana around his head, and the other looked like he was ready to jump into a plane and start flying it.  They didn’t look like they were older than me though…Pretty odd characters; but that wasn’t the weirdest part.  It was when the one with the bandana spoke that made the situation even more strange.

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