Friends With A Punk

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Brooke is back! I hope you all enjoy this chapter filled with our rocker, Paul and his new interest in Brooke. Let me know what you guys think, and here you go!

Chapter 9

Brooke's Pov

We stopped faster than I had planned. Looking around, we weren't at my house; instead we were on the quiet side of the boardwalk. It was even closer to the beach, the lights weren't nearly as bright, and there were only a couple of shops around. What I could tell, one was a clothing store, and the other was a little restaurant, maybe a diner.

"Paul?" I asked, letting go of him. With a grin he hopped off of the bike.

"What? It's not like I can take you home on an empty stomach." He grinned, his eyes roaming towards the diner.

"But I'm not hungry." I stated. He put his hand on his stomach and threw me a cocky side-glance.

"I am." I nodded offhandedly at what he said and looked out to the view of the ocean.

"Go ahead then. I'll stay here until you're done." Instead of hearing a retort from him, Paul stayed quiet. After a moment I heard footsteps walking away, slowly fading, until they were gone and I heard the diner door open, a little bell ringing.

Looking around, I was all alone. It was so quiet, so peaceful without Paul around. Wait, peaceful isn't the word to use, right? Ever since that night that I was alone at home with Taylor, I've been afraid of nighttime. I remember how I shared a bed with Taylor for about a year after we were sent to Colorado because I was terrified to be alone at night. The slightest noise would make me jump, and Tay was the only one I would want. And even when I was told that I needed to sleep in my own room, it was hard. I was up most of the night, too petrified to fall asleep. I would be afraid to close my eyes and to even blink at times. You never knew what could be watching.

Now, the only thing that broke the silence was the wind whispering past and the waves of the Pacific colliding with one another. My eyes were glued to them, just crashing into each other; and it was only that, going as far as the eye could see. Slowly I swung my leg over the side of the motorcycle and numbly footed my way closer to the dark abyss. I was at peace. Slowly moving my gaze upwards, I noticed that the sky was nearly as dark as the waves, except for the dimmed stars. Even the moon had excused itself for the time being. Sitting down, I focused on the overwhelming calm feeling that had been new to me, and tried not to let it go. I even closed my eyes after a moment; that is how safe I felt. Nothing could touch me, and to be honest, I didn't want to have to face the rest of the world. I focused on my breathing and the crashing of the waves. Why was I so afraid before? The nighttime isn't what killed Mom and Dad. With that thought spinning through my mind, I was suddenly interrupted be an unnatural gust of wind. My eyes darted open and I think I jumped a foot in the air when I saw Paul sitting there looking at me.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked quietly, his eye arched.

"Well, I think I just had a heart attack all thanks to you!" I said with a slight smile, putting a hand over my heart. I can't believe I didn't hear him walk up. I thought I would have heard the bell to the diner, or his footsteps. I really did tune out.

"Heart attack? And it was my fault…Well you know, I am a silent killer." He said lightly with a wild grin. I silently laughed at that.

"I'd have to be dead in order for that to be true." He rubbed his chin.

"Well, you're as white as a sheet. Are you sure you aren't a ghost?" he questioned, laughing. For a moment, I joined in.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed once I composed myself. He sent me a questioning gaze. "You must be right; I am dead. You've killed me, Paul."

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