Dinner Time

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Wow...Well, all I can say is that I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. If you have ever had and trouble with siblings, maybe you can give me some feedback as to how this develops.

Chapter 11

Paul's Pov

"It's okay. I've got ya." With that Brooke was out. Now how am I going to get around this? Say 'Brooke, chill out. I'm just a vampire. It's no big deal.'

She'd have a conniption fit.

"Now what do we do?" Marko asked as I flew back up to them. "Kill her? Turn her?"

"Neither." I said.

"We'll figure something out." David shrugged, pulling out a cig. I nodded and we went back to the bikes. Brooke must've really been freaked out because she didn't stir on the drive back to the cave. Pulling up to the bluff we were on guard. There was a nice convertible parked close to the stairs. Well isn't this just great. Looking down, I noted that having Brooke here wouldn't help the situation.

Being ready to pounce, we quietly made our way down the stairs and into the lobby. It smelled like cheap alcohol and aftershave. But most of all, it smelled like death. Vampires.

'Is this who Max told us about?' I asked, turning to David.

'Could be.' He answered with an authoritive tone. Coming into the light I saw that there were five of them. They were lounging about on our couches nonchalantly, but there was one of them that was obviously the leader. He was sitting in David's chair. Bad move. Shit's gonna go down now.

The guy had a shit load of tattoos and snake bites, but he looks pretty weak. They were all like the Surf Nazis…just undead. Gross.

They all looked like amateurs if you ask me.

"You know, it's rude to let yourselves into our home." David said, standing straight, his voice cold.

"We just wanted to meet the locals." The guy in the wheelchair said, sticking his head up. The others nodded. "I'm Chester by the way." He added.

'Because I care about his terrible name.' I scoffed in my head. Mentally, Marko laughed. Turning to him I saw his signature Cheshire grin.

"David. These are the guys." David said, gesturing to us. I caught a glance at Dwayne, who I could tell was scouting out the intruders. "Now you know the locals. So why are you really here?"

"We were actually thinking of staying in town for a while, and wanted to see where you guys stand." Chester said boredly.

"People are starting to get suspicious of all the deaths. If you want to stay you'll get killed." David said with a smirk.

"Is that a threat?" One of the guys on the couch asked with a dumb expression.

"It's a promise." David corrected. Chester raised an eyebrow and slowly stood up.

"Okay, okay we'll go…" he drifted off, and then caught sight of Brooke, who was still in my arms. "If we can get her." He finished. Hell no.

"No. Leave her alone." David said. The guy shrugged.

"Come on, one measly snack is all I want."

"Then find another." I bit out.

"Ooh. Defensive much." Chester grinned, and then turned to David. "I want her. Then we'll go. You can get another girl you lovesick puppy." He concluded with a smirk, and he and the others flew out of the cave.

David turned to me and sent a 'what the hell' look my way.

"Dude, you like her." Marko grinned.

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