Date? Nah!

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Hey there readers (if there are any of you guys left), I feel terrible for not updating since...November, but here you go. I really hope you enjoy. I wish I could give you guys a great excuse for not being able to write, but to be honest, life has really changed for me. Anyways, this chapter is a quick fix to lead into the next chapter which will be better, but hey, you've got to start somewhere. Thank you guys for reading, let me know what you think.

Chapter 8

Brooke's Pov

I like food. I like the boardwalk. I like the beach. Of course, before Mo and I could make it down to the beach, we had to grab a bite of pizza and go on some rides. So here we are, finally down to the beach, up to our chests in the cool water of the Pacific. The sky had turned orange, and if you looked at the water, you could go blind from the light shining off of it. The sun was setting, and boy was it beautiful. Were we really there all day? Crap! I'm sure I will lobster-red skin in the morning. Oh well. I was brought back to my senses be Mo splashing water in my face. I coughed and closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, Mo wasn't there. I waited a moment, and still nothing.

"Mo?" I called out. Just then, she sprung up from the water and splashed me. I shrieked, and then quickly splashed her back. We were in a splash fest, laughing our heads off, and trying to not choke on the salty water. I'm not the best at multitasking, and was having trouble trying to keep both the laughter and water out of me. When we had finally sobered up, Mo stood there, just stood there, as if she were deep in thought.

"You okay?" I questioned.

"Yeah, yeah." She sighed. Sighed? I raised my brow to her, and she quickly continued, "I'm just bored."

"Bored? Are you kidding me?" I laughed. "You're stuck with me, and you don't think that this is a kick-ass awesome time!" She laughed at this too, and shook her head.

"Haha! That's not it at all. I'm just…bored." She said, shrugging her shoulders. She was quiet for a moment, which was different. It wasn't until she started grinning like an idiot that I was scared.

"Brooke?" she asked, her voice all unsuspecting and innocent.

"What?" I answered cautiously. What is she planning?

"Close your eyes."

"What?" I asked again.

"You heard me." She smiled. "Close your eyes."

"Oh dear." I whispered.

"What was that?" Mo smiled cockily.


"Good! Now close your eyes." She prodded.

"I don't trust you, Mo." I said suspiciously.

"Oh, come on! It's only a game." She groaned dramatically.

"A game?" I asked, suddenly intrigued. She slowly smirked and nodded.

"Yep, and you know it, too. Just close your eyes." She said yet again. So, finally after being coaxed into it, I closed my eyes. I heard her move around in the water, and with my patience wearing thin, I called out her name again and opened my eyes. She was about ten feet away from me, which was rather confusing.

"Mo?" I asked again. She turned to me and grinned.

"Come on, you've got to keep your eyes shut." So once again I closed my eyes, and before I could ask anything else, she called out, "Marco!" Oh, I get it now.

"So this game will keep you from getting bored?" I yelled out, searching around for her.

"Yep!" Alright then.

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