What's Happening?

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This bad boy really pulled on my heartstrings, and I hope you all enjoy. Happy Halloween everyone! Stay spooky all you lost boys and girls!

Chapter 16

Brooke's Pov

I woke up in an unknown room, in an unknown bed, and I wasn't alone. Not the first time, I thought. Peeping my eyes open I saw a snoring...Mo? Her hair was all over the place and her makeup was smudged...Damn, if that's how she looks I don't even want to think about my appearance haha. I smiled to myself and pushed off the blankets.

"Molly?" I whispered.




"Mo, wake up." I said giggling, and pulled her blankets off of her.

"No...no. Why'd you have to do that?" She groggily asked, pulling at the covers once more. I laughed and she opened her eyes. "You look a lot better than before." She murmured and I raised a brow.

"I dunno, you're the spitting image of beauty doll face." I smirked at her. She grumbled some curse under her breath and after a moment she shot up from where she was.

"Are you alright? You had me scared to death last night!" She exclaimed, and pulled me into a bear hug. I was a little surprised, and pulled back after a moment.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Oh shit..." She murmured. "Last night...Paul brought you here and you were all freaked out. You were hysterical all night. So I let you sleep here, and you crashed."

"Why?" I asked. I had no reason to be all bat shit crazy. I had a fun night with Paul, I mean we made out on the pier, and-

"He told me about your sister..." She broke me from my thoughts. It was like a piece of glass shattering and I felt cold all of a sudden. "Brooke? It's not your fault. She was the irresponsible one."

"I should have never let her go off with those Surf Nazi's." I whispered. She pulled me close.

"I know they're pricks, but Brooke, open your eyes it wasn't them either. Will you be open to the idea of...vampires? I mean, Paul said that they found pieces of burned flesh...No person would do that, especially to Taylor."

"Mo, I don't know what you're talking about. There's no such thing as-" I was overwhelmed with a flashback.

"I'm never going to die. I'm stuck in this moment in time, and it can be ours, Brooke. We'll never grow old. I'm a Vamp-"

"Vampires." I whispered. I was in real shit now. What if...there's no way Paul could be a...There's no way. He's a good man. I mean, he's cocky as hell, but he would never hurt someone, right? Even though I've never seen him during the day...will you get a hold of yourself?! There are no such things as vampires! And if there were? How would Paul know...what if...He would never hurt Taylor, right? My head was spinning, and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Brooke, calm down."Mo said, holding my shoulders. "Even Paul thinks something's fishy here. He even said he'd help us out. He seemed so worried about you last night. I think he just wants to help.

"Help?" I questioned. Why would he help if he were one of those...things?

"Here's the kicker. I thought him and his friends were the undead, but he was so in tuned with listening to us...even my brothers are in on this. We thought they were vampires, so sorry we didn't trust him before. He'll be here to help us tonight. He'll want to see you Brooke. The way he looked at you-"

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