What's So Funny?

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Phew! Finally more time that Brooke has with the guys. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 10

Paul's Pov

So here I am, laughing and hollering my ass off, heading back to the cave with Brooke in tow. Sure, I could have taken it into my own hands with those Surf Nazi punks, but hey, that would have meant that I'd also have to kill off the person currently sitting behind me.

My goal is to not have Brooke killed off. Period. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this girl, and seeing her sitting by the ocean earlier just spiked my curiosity. I hope that the guys feel the same way bout her. Hopefully she doesn't become a midnight snack…

"Well, this is bound to get interesting." I murmured to myself.

"What?" Brooke called out, tightening her arms around me. All of a sudden, something absolutely crazy happened. I got butterflies in my cold, undead stomach. Dude, that's not supposed to happen…ever. What the hell is going on? Trying to shake off the feeling I sped up even faster and shook my head to give a response to Brooke. I was driving like a bat out of hell. Should I have probably slowed down? Absolutely. Did I care?


'Paul, what's taking so long?' I felt like grinning. Nice timing David.

'Davey! Just the guy I needed to talk to.' I answered, jumping over a dune of sand.

'What are you going on about now?' he asked stiffly.

'We're having company over. No taking a bite out of her, okay?'

'Wait, are you talking about Brooke?' Dwayne joined in.

'Who else would it be?' I asked.

'Why are you bringing her back?' Marko added.

'Long story.' I answered. It was quiet for a moment.

'Whatever…' David grumbled and our conversation was over. With pushing the bike to its limits, we jumped from the road, flew down a flight of stairs, and continued on through the sand, just following the curve of the ocean. All the while, we cheered and laughed.

Brooke's Pov

I was having a ball! I guess it was a good thing I came after all – Paul really knows how to eliminate all of the pestering thoughts of dim-witted surfers and unbelievable siblings.


The only thing that crept into my mind making me think this was a bad decision was being sucked into more of David's strange games. The bugs really unnerved me last night. How did they even manage to do that? David really freaked me out, and I could help but feel like he knew it. Sure, it was carefree with Paul and even Marko around because they were always goofing off, and Dwayne was quiet, but it was more like he was pondered things. That wasn't the issue. Nothing compared to the smoldering and undeniably wicked gaze of David though.

With that worrisome thought plaguing my mind, we wildly continued our route to the cliff.

Paul eventually came to a halt and we hopped off. The stairs that led to the cave were just as they were last night, but the difference was that Paul was trying to trip me the entire way down.

"Stop it already!" I kind of laughed, nudging his shoulder. He didn't stop, but was laughing now. He stuck his foot out again, and I saw it. Quickly I jumped over it and landed at the bottom of the stairs.

"No fair."

"I don't care about fair." I concluded and made my way to the cave opening. It was dark…really dark.

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