There's One Man Left

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Chapter 19

Mo's Pov

I have to do something. This is all my fault.

"W-what do I have to do?" I asked quietly...kind of hoping they couldn't hear me. Four heads snapped my way.

"How about you stop trying to get us killed?" Paul growled, trying to cover up Brooke.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know that they were vampires. Please. I want to help." I said bravely. In reality, I had nothing but fear in my body, but this is all my fault. I can't be the reason she dies.

"Come, quickly." The dark haired one called over. I walked up carefully, mainly because Paul was still hovering over Brooke like an animal.

"We'd...have to let her feed off of you, and remove the stake while we do so. That's the only chance we have." The spiked-blonde one instructed. They all seemed fairly uncomfortable, and I was in the same boat. As I approached, Brooke saw me and shook her head.

"No Moly." she croaked. "I can't hurt you." She was trying to squirm away, but to no avail.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I want to help." I told her, and looked around. "Do you really love him?" I asked sincerely, looking from her to Paul. She looked with worry at first, but it slowly turned into a smile, even though Paul looked like he was going to have a conniption fit. "Then here goes nothing." I whispered to myself, and dug into my pocket. I had a small switchblade, no match for a vampire I suppose, but it'll have to do. I crouched down next to her, took view of all the blood, and took a deep breath before adding to it. My arm shook reaching out to her, and she looked like...she was trying to fight something. Soon enough her resolve dissipated, and before I knew it my best friend's eyes turned golden and I put my arm close enough her her to grasp it.

"3...2...1..." They pulled the stake out; she yelled. She bit into my arm; I yelled.

"Brooke, be careful." Paul guided. "You don't want to kill your friend." She looked from him rigidly, and switched her gaze to me, which softened. Her bite softened, but it still felt like giving blood and taking heroin all at once. I was paralyzed in pain and fear.

Who knows how much time went by, but soon I felt numb, my vision was blurred, and I couldn't focus on the voices around me. I was weak, and soon I-

Paul's Pov

Molly passed out.

"Babe," I called out, stoking Brooke's face, "you have to let go, or she'll die." She growled, but looked down to Molly. Letting go, she sat up abruptly and inspected where the stake was. There was no sign of injury aside from the damaged clothes. "Babe?" I questioned. She snapped her head towards me, analyzing me, sniffing me, and resulted in scowling. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Paul, give her a minute. David warned.

Yeah dude, she looks pissed. Marko added.

Instead I tried to get closer to her and she growled. "Babe, what's the matter?" She did something I wasn't ready for; lunged at me. "Brooke calm down!" I hollered, rolling around in the sand with her. She came at me again, but this time I flew up, about ten feet above her. She looked so frustrated gazing at me. She started to kick sand around and groaned.

She didn't say anything for the longest time.

Babe? I tried once more. She spun around. Babe look at me. She looked up, confused as hell. I smirked. She obviously heard me.

Are...are you in my head? I nodded. Her eyes practically bugged out.

Why are you so upset? I asked, and her gaze faltered. After a moment, she huffed.

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