Don't Trust

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Chapter 5

Brooke’s Pov

Home?  Well this place is pretty sketchy, eerie.  Candles were the only source of light in this underground castle.  It was open, spacious, and it looked like a forgotten palace.  Well, besides the mis-matched furniture covering the ill-raised flooring it was.  In the center of this place was an abandoned fountain, the tiles worn and cracked, junk lying inside of it.  This place was a disaster, yet to say the least, it was equally stunning.

“Like it?” Paul called out, popping the bubble of my new found thoughts.  Without looking to him, I nodded, offering a small smile.

“I’ve never seen anything like it.” I whispered.

“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.” Marko said.  Wait, did he hear me?  ‘No, that’s impossible’ I thought, mentally shaking the idea away.  In the corner of my eye, I saw David give him a look.  Not one of happy or kindred natured; but one that was a warning.  And coming from David, it was pretty menacing.  Choosing to break the awkward silence, I spoke up.

“So…” heads turned to me. “how did you guys find a place like this?” David grinned.

“Earthquake.” He started. “The big one, 1906; that’s when this place went under.  Abandoned, if you couldn’t already tell.” He said, raising his arms and looking around.  “Now it’s ours.”

“So check it out Brooke.” Paul said, glancing over.  “Hey, why are you still up there?”

“Yeah!” Marko exclaimed. “Here’s where the party is!” he laughed, turning on some rock music.

I sent them questioning gazes, but looking around I saw that I was still on the rugged steps towering over everyone at the entrance of the cave.  Slowly I shrugged, looking back to Paul.  Putting one foot forward, I started my decent, but lucky me, I tripped over the uneven ground on the last step and started to fall.  Crap! I thought, bracing my arms out, ready for the impact.  I never hit the ground; instead two bracelet covered arms reached out, and soon I was back on my feet, one of those arms still close at my side. 

“Who taught you how to walk?” Paul scoffed, looking at me from the side.

“Maybe she just fell because she’s head-over-heels for me.” Marko grinned from the fountain.  Great.

“In your dreams, Shirley Temple!” Paul laughed.

“Shirley Tem-?  Oh you’re going down Twisted Sister!” and with that they lunged at each other.  I walked away from their brawl, over to where the others were sitting.

“Are they always like this?” I asked.  Dwayne smirked.

“You saw them yesterday, didn’t you?” how would he know that?  Cautiously I nodded.  “Well, yes, they are always like this.” He somewhat sighed.

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