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Chapter 6

Paul’s Pov

“You did what?!”

“I took her home.” I shrugged, eyeing them slowly.  Confusion and frustration wasn’t very well hidden on their faces.

“That’s not what I meant by ‘take care of it’.” David scowled.  Great, he was in one of his pissy moods.  ‘How great’, I thought, mentally rolling my eyes.

“Well, what did you expect me to do?” I started.  “Finish the job?”

“Um…yeah!” Marko exclaimed, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Hey!  What part of ‘there’s something different about her’ don’t you guys get?” I snapped back.

“She isn’t different enough to risk our secret getting out, Paul.” David groaned, “She still knows where we live too.  Remember what happened last time?”  The thought brought back memories.  Some of the memories good, others, bad.

Star was all over David when we first brought her to the cave, and everyone thought it was a riot to have a girl around.  She would come to see him in perfect time for the sun to go down, and David would kick us out for the night…But what David didn’t know didn’t hurt him.  One night while David was out, she stopped by.  I told her he was gone, but hey, she wasn’t looking for him.  I guess you could say I ‘kept her company’ for a while.  David eventually found out and I was in a shitload of trouble, but eventually he let it go and things went smooth again.  Soon Star got a bit suspicious about why we wouldn’t see her and the middle of the day so we asked Max about it.  He said it would be okay if we turned her, so the next night David took the opportunity to give her our ‘wine’.  She trusted David, and with little sweet talk on his part, she drank.  It was funny to watch as she looked at it with distaste after the first sip, but we coaxed her to keep it up and have another go, telling her it wouldn’t taste as bad the second time around.

Life was a party for about a week after that, but when Star experienced her first hunger, it was hard for her to get by.  She always pretended everything was okay, but she wasn’t fooling anyone.  The thirst even got so bad that she couldn’t manage to make it out of her makeshift bed in the corner of the room.  That’s when David decided to tell her.  Star wouldn’t believe it and denied everything he was telling her…so he decided to show her.  Her scream carried so far that I’m pretty sure you could hear it over all the music on the boardwalk, and without surprise, after she took in her first breath she passed out.  David didn’t care too much about it, and went to bed like the rest of us.  What we didn’t know was that while we were sleeping that day, Star woke up and went to get help.  Mind you, she wasn’t the brightest girl I’ve ever met, and would’ve thought she’d go to the cops.  I was wrong.  She went to the geeky comic stand and asked for help from the ‘Vampire Slayers’.  They were parents to three kids, and shouldn’t have even gotten into it in the first place.  Star told them where we slept, so they set off into action.  Marko was the first to wake up, feeling a stinging in his arm.  That is where he got staked, thanks to the fact that one of the hunters slipped on the rugged ladder.  We chased ‘em out of our secluded area, throwing curses and threats their way.  As we were going to help Marko with his wound, you could distinctly hear Star’s cries in the background.

“No!  You didn’t get them!  They’ll make me a monster.” She whimpered.

“Too late for that one.  I say we exterminate her right now!  What do you say?” the guy asked his partner.

“Sounds like a plan.” The latter responded.  Screams and cries ensued from Star, but soon they faded off into the distance as time had continued.

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