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Here we go again! Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think of this chapter.

Chapter 12

Brooke's Pov

"Paul, I'm sick of the games." I said impatiently.

"Well, I'm hungry. Give me a break." He shrugged. Come on, stop it with the excuses!

"I'm not. Cut the bullshit." I said boldly, getting close to his face.

"What bullshit?" his voice rose too and he stepped even closer. People started to look our way.

"Aw, how cute." I heard someone say. "You guys are fighting like an old married couple." What do you think guys?" Turning, it was Marko who was talking. An old married couple? No way!

"I agree." Dwayne grinned.

"Oh, shut it." I told them. From that I earned some 'Oohs'.

"Jeeze, take a chill pill."

"Or another hit off of those joints like we did last night." David grinned, getting my attention.

"Last night?" I gaped. "Last night I fell off of a bridge!" With a grin Paul raised his eyebrows.

"Brookie," he started, concerned, "how high were you?"

"I wasn't high!"

"Relax doll face, you don't want to cause a scene."

"Relax?" I asked. "I wasn't high!" I've never even done drugs. I'm clean!

"Is everything okay over here?" A new voice asked. Looking up there was a guy in front of us with tattoos all over the place and snakebites who was followed by his own little gang. The guys were stiff and Paul's arm draped over my shoulder tightly. Something was very wrong.

"Everything's fine." Dwayne responded coldly.

"I didn't ask you." The guy said stiffly. "I asked her." He stated, his stare on me. The guy was starting to give me the creeps. "Are you okay?" he asked again, never looking away from me.

"Yeah." I said when Paul's grip grew tighter.

"Alright." The guy said slowly. "Well, if you want to get away from these losers," he emphasized, "We'll be around. Just look for Chester." He finished with a wink. Chester? Is that his name or something? Grudgingly they turned and went on their way, making a slight noise with their boots crunching in the sand. There was a tense silence still, and the guys had their eyes glued to the back of the other gang until they were out of sight.

"What was that about?" I whispered, more to myself than anything.

"We're not fans of those jerks." Marko said quietly. The others nodded with a scowl.

"Can we get out of here?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. There was still some overwhelming tension in the air.

"Sure thing." Paul grinned and we made our way back up to the noisy boardwalk.

"Where to boss?" Marko asked, looking David's way. David shrugged.

"Chinese and video store." He said simply. I gave the guys a weird look before we quietly made our way to the video store. Their moods slowly but surely lightened up, and soon they were goofing off. As we entered the video store, everyone was going off in different directions. I stayed to the front of the store as they went around looking at tapes. I started to cross my arms but stopped as I realized that I was still holding the comics that Mo had given me.

'Vampires Everywhere', huh? Looking around I found a couple of chairs in the corner and decided to take a seat.

The comic was filled with distorted monsters and girls being drained of their blood. It was completely stereotypical and said how vampires hate the sun, love to seduce women, and finish them off as desert. Looking up I saw that the guys were talking to some guy on the other side of the counter and I went back to the comic.

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