To The Beach

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Chapter 7

Brooke’s Pov

“Brooke?” I groaned, rolling to my side.

“Brooke. Wakey- wakey.” Go away sister of mine.

“Brooke!” Taylor sighed.  “Fine then.  She said after a pause.  You’ve asked for it.” What the hell is she talking about?  A moment later ice-cold water covered my face.  With my eyes shooting open, I saw Taylor grinning; the cup that she held was just over my head.  Jumping up, I grabbed her hand that held the cup, but couldn’t keep my balance and fell, taking Tay down with me.

“Brooke, what the hell is your problem?” Taylor laughed, sitting up.

“Right now, you are.” I murmured, rubbing my head.

“Oh, come on!” she enthused, pulling me up onto my feet whilst she, struggling, did the same.  “We have to get to the beach by noon!”

“Ugh…” I groaned, falling back onto the couch.  “What time is it anyway?”

“It’s nine o’clock!” What!?!

“It doesn’t take that much time to get ready Taylor.” I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“I know!  It’s takes longer!” She said, grabbing my arm and yanking my off of the couch.  Why did I agree to this?  After being half-dragged up the stairs to her semi-unpacked room, she dug through her many boxes of clothes, resulting in turning the bedroom into a disaster.  After many minutes of throwing skew items aside, Taylor pulled out the two skimpiest swimsuits, bikinis if I may, and threw one my way.

“No, nope!  Not happening, Tay.”  I quickly said, backing away.

“Come on!” She laughed, “Don’t you want to look good for the boys?”

“No way Taylor,” I started, “I said I would come, not look like another bimbo gal-pal.”

“But, but!-” she babbled.

“Yeah, that’s the only thing people will see if I wear it!” I yelled, a smile covering my face. 

“No they won’t!”

“Yes they will!”

“No, no one will!” she pleaded.  I was done with this little game. 

“Do you want me to come, or not?” I questioned, turning for the exit.  Taylor looked dumbfounded and lost for words.  Score one for Brooke, for acting older than her older sister.

“No!  You don’t have to wear it, okay.  Just, just come.”  She sighed.  I grinned, turning back to her.

“Can do,” I said, patting her shoulder.  “just not in that.” I gazed down to the bathing suit.

“Fine then.”  Taylor groaned.  “But you’ve got to get ready!”   

“Okay, okay, chill out.” I said, raising my arms.   “I’ll get ready.”  I laughed, leaving her room and heading to mine.

By the time I was ready to leave, it was just before 10:00.  By the time Taylor was ready, it was a quarter until noon.  Jeez! –I mean honestly, she was looking like a Barbie doll herself.  On top of her skimpy blue bikini, she wore a tiny see-through shirt.  Her hair was perfect, waving down her back, and her makeup, which was what took her the most time, was meant to impress.  It looked like she was ready for a photo shoot rather than to go to the beach.  I mean, it was going to be hot and we were bound to swim, right?  As she came strutting down the stairs, she stopped when she looked at me.

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