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Time turns for the despaired, the heartbroken, and the weary.

It's a mender, a savior, and a curse— all with hands constantly moving to no end.

Life as we know it will cease to exist, but time will always be there.


   The sun beat down on the armored King's shoulders. His armor glimmered with enchantments and gleamed of power.

   He was doing his daily business along the muddy riverbank with golden sword held tightly in his gloved hand. A litter of grey-blue bodies trailed behind him with the smell of death, all oozing black blood. Large birch trees provided shade to his exhausted shoulders. Overall, the forest was peaceful.

   A bitter expression rested upon his middle-aged face with angry tears threatening to fall. The war was completely his fault. If he hadn't have waged it, there wouldn't have ever been that many corpses left on the battlefield. For God's sake, they were just children. Teenagers. Parents.

   The man breathed heavily as he approached a towering palace, gazing at it forlornly. He slumped with relief upon reaching his destination at the front barred gates, following the cobblestone path leading toward it.


   One of the guards nodded at him when he came near, yelling for another to open the ancient doors. There was a loud creak of protest as the giant gate wheeled up into a latch to allow entry. The man stepped inside with a small flourish of his navy cape.

   Inside, he was greeted with the warm, smiling faces of his people. The marketplace was bustling with life as sellers shouted their wares, kids raced around playing games, animals were pulling wagons, and women were washing laundry to dry. It was just another typical day with the sun shining.

   "Morning, King Sky!" A little voice chirped from beside him.

   The man raised an eyebrow and turned his head, dark brown ponytail swinging slightly. Behind his sunglasses, he made eye contact with a little boy no older than seven— who looked way too excited to see him. The boy's eyes were bright emerald green and his red hair was unruly, freckles dotted all over his pale face. "Good morning, little one."

   As with all children, this one was curious. "Where were ya?" The boy tilted his head.

   "Armstraad Creek," Adam responded, pulling on his traditional mask that hid his troubled emotions. "What about yourself? What are you doing?" He sheathed his enchanted sword since it wasn't in use.

   "Momma is making mac and cheese! She said I can play out here and stuff, then I saw you!"

   A small smile crossed his face. He could remember the days of childhood like that. "Awesome."

   The boy's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I know! "

   Adam paused for a beat, kneeling down in front of him. His armor clinked softly. "What's your name?"

   "James! Momma says she named me after my daddy!"

   "Good name," He confirmed, ruffling James's curly hair. "Better than mine for sure."

   "Is not!"


   "Is not! You have SUCH a cool name, King Sky!" James stuck out his tongue, puffing up his cheeks. He didn't seem like he'd take no for an answer.

   Stubborn little guy.

   The King sighed gently as a grin overtook him. "I still don't think so. I crown you the winner."

   A crowd had begun to gather around the two unbeknownst to Adam at first. He frowned but waved to them respectively before standing to his full height and turning to leave. "I'll see you around James."

   "Okay! Seeya! I'll be here!" The boy called to him, heading back inside the thatched hut billowing smoke from its chimney.

   Adam quickly made his way along the stone path straight to the main doors that led within the castle, gaining passage inside.

   This was obviously a cafeteria what with all the lunch lines and tables spread everywhere— well, that and the smell of overwhelmingly amazing food that gave off a delicious aroma. Large oak wood pillars served as the main support for this part of the building decorated by beams, quartz detailing, gold highlights, and plenty of banners fit for a feasting hall. The sound of many conversations kept the place feeling alive.

   King Sky breathed in deeply as his stomach growled.

   "Hey! Over here, Adam!" A slightly high-pitched voice called from the longest of tables, waving him over.

   Adam couldn't help but smile from the familiarity of the male who spoke, making his way to the table full of residents.

   A light blue, fish-like creature was chuckling at what appeared to be a joke told by the flannel-wearing archer across from him, the furry Bacca beside him absolutely howling with laughter.

   "You've got to me fucking kidding me dude, there's NO way he did that!"

   "No shit, Quentin! I'm not kidding! Jerome seriously came up to me and put ants in my goddamn jacket!"

   "You're damn right I did! That was definitely worth the punch," The grinning Bacca held up a paw and pointed at his own cheek, which was swollen. "Mitch sure hits hard as fuck though."

   Adam watched Quentin nearly snort out his milk when Mitch about punched Jerome for the second time.

   "So," Someone sarcastically puffed, leaning his chin on his hand. "Out doing the usual? Killing squids and all that bullshit?"

   "Yep," He replied, popping the 'p.' "What about you, Ty?"

   Said man hummed thoughtfully, maroon eyes squinting in concentration briefly before widening back to normal. "Jack shit. I've just been helping Jason fix his jetpack."

   "—Which has been a big help."

   Adam glanced at the astronaut clad in his usual blue spacesuit, helmet held under his arm.

   "Ty being helpful? Wow, who knew we would see the day." Sky teased.

   "Shut your fuckin' mouth, butter boy," He fired back, elbowing his ribs. "I outta kick your ass again."

   The King rolled his eyes and pulled Ty's cape over his head. "Some other time. I've gotta check on Seto."

   The atmosphere shifted and grew tense. Everyone's conversations and jokes died down into nothing as they eyed each other awkwardly.

   "Again?" Jason piped up quietly, furrowing his eyebrows. His eyes held a worrisome gaze.

   "Yes," Sky sighed in exasperation. "Again. If anyone wants to join me, feel free." He stepped away from the table and headed off down a hallway.

   The team shared knowing looks with one another, unable to carry on their lively talk. They all knew.

"The Last Of Us" : A Team Crafted Story (DISCONTINUED! READ LATEST UPDATE!)Where stories live. Discover now