Chapter 7- The lost Leader

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"TY! TY, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Adam's panicked cries rang out as he trudged through thick brambles.

The Butter God hadn't stopped looking even for a moment, he needed to find his lover- for the greater good.

"Sky, calm down, we'll find him," Seto sighed, walking over to him and rubbing his back soothingly.

"I... I just need to find him... I can't let him go..." Adam looked down as a few tears splashed onto the ground.

"It'll be okay. Just take take deep breaths and remain calm."


Once Sky regained himself, he helped Jerome and Jason check a patch of woodland.


Ty still felt pinpricks of pain, but it was definitely less than when he first touched the portal frame.

F-fuck... why did I listen to that stupid voice?!... The brunette shouted at himself in his head.

He got up when the pain was actually bearable and looked at his surroundings. Still the forest, good. But where's the entrance?! Panic swelled up in him like a bomb about to go off. Was he stuck here?!

Desperatly clawing through the vines, he tried to scratch through them all and reach the way outside this portal hellhole.

But wait... what was that tugging on his foot? Ty's eyes widened. That can't be a squid, they need to be around water. As far as he knew, there wasn't a drop of aqua anywhere. Whatever it was had tightened it's grip when he pulled against it. What the actual fuck?... Suddenly, more joined it's place by wrapping around his arms, legs, neck, and waist.

He had a clearer vision of what it was now, the black vines.

Struggling with all his might, Ty tried his very best to break free of these evil tendrils. He felt trapped... alone... helpless... dumb... and worst of all, afraid.


The Team had searched for hours but couldn't find anything from the brunette, and Sky was starting to experience love trauma. Seto knew he needed to keep his sanity in the right order, otherwise it'd turn disastrous for the entire Team of Crafted.

"Adam, shhhh, we'll find him. I'm sure of it," He tried to soothe the Butter King, yet Sky seemed oblivious to anyone and everyone.

Jerome shouted," Wait, Sky, I found something!"

This caught everyone's attention as they walked over to the area the Bacca was in.

A rather strange place it was, with an outcropping of black vines that Seto had never seen before in his Sorcerer life. He knew what they'd say next...

"-Hey Seto, can you remove these for us?"

"I can try, but I don't know if it'll work," He answered. Pulling up his sleeves, a purple flame had now appeared and was dancing around his fingertips. Hope this works...

The little ember grew bigger each time he waited for his magic to build up. Magic is a timely process after all.

At last, it was ready. Seto fired it straight at the black vines and lit them on fire. But just as he suspected, they wouldn't burn.

"Wha... how can we get through them?! Ty may be on the other side!" Sky panicked.

"Mabye we can do just that, walk through them?" Jerome posed.

"Mabye. Should we try it?" Jason asked, adjusting his helmet.

"Indeed, but some should stay behind for backup," Seto added.

"Alright, it's settled. Who'll go in?"

"I," said the spaceman.

"I," Seto nodded.

"I will," Jerome grinned.

"Let's not forget teh Benja!" Mitch smiled and swung an arm around Jerome's shoulder.

"Okay. That leaves Sky, Ian, and Husky as backup-" The Sorcerer explained, putting up his hood. "-we'll come back out when we have Ty."

Everyone said their agreement and took their places.

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