Chapter 13- Broken dreams

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"Ty, you haven't even touched your dinner... aren't you hungry?" Adam looked up at the dragon hybrid.

Deadlox shook his horned head and walked back upstairs to his bedroom. He couldn't possibly handle being this... monster. Ty jumped into his bed and buried himself under the covers, pushing his face in the pillow.

Who am I anymore...?

Tears began slipping down his slitted eyes and into the pillow, increasing by the second. Soon enough, the hybrid was sobbing loudly and slowly slipping into hypertension.


Adam couldn't hear his cries until coming up the stairs and going toward his room next to Ty's. In alarm, he tried jiggling the new door's knob; but was unsuccessful.

"Dammit Ty..." He muttered softly, helpless to calm down his lover. If Ty kept this up, he sure to hell would cry too.

"Ty, please..." Adam struggled to not stutter.

Deadlox's cries continued on and on, seeming to not notice the Sky Army Leader.

I'll have to break the door in again... sorry Jason...

Sky hurled himself at the door and busted it down, frightening Ty even more.

He quickly ran over and wrapped his arms around him, desperately trying to calm Deadlox.

"Ty, shhhhh... it's okay... calm down my Ty... shhhhhh..." Adam cooed, rocking the shaking hybrid back and forth gently.

His lover trembled and buried his face in Adam's shirt, soaking it in tears.

Sky nuzzled Ty gently and began singing softly.

"Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect you, from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry~"

Ty let back on the cries, them dying away slowly and instead listening to Adam sing.

"For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry." Adam rubbed his thumb across Ty's cheek, wiping any stray tears.

" 'Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more. You'll be in my heart, no matter what they say.
You'll be here in my heart, always." Sky kissed the top of Ty's head and smiled brightly.

Ty blushed and snuggled close to his form, purring softly.

He chuckled and kept lightly kissing his head.


That foolish human will soon see my power, I just have to wait for the right moment.

They will all pay once my soul awakens, blood will be splattered everywhere and the world will crumble!

Very soon will this happen... He smirked and exposed sharp fangs in his mouth.


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