Chapter 2- Haven't you heard of the Bogeyman?

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Ty told Seto everything that had happened. Every piece of information he could think of. Anything that may stick out. When he finished, Seto's expression had turned very grim.

"When did this happen the first time?" The Sorcerer asked, keeping a firm gaze that wavered from the brunette's posture to his facial expression.

"About a week ago..." He answered quietly.

"-And why haven't you brought this up with me sooner, Tyler Ellis?"

Ty flinched at this. His friends called his last name only so often...

"Because... I was worried Adam would flip out, you know him..." He went on.

"Alright... I see. But, hear me out, as soon as you finish another one- come straight to me. That way, the details are much sharper and finer-edged." Seto exclaimed, lightly pushing the Leader out of his bedroom. "But what I think, is you need to just keep an eye out and get some well-deserved rest- you hear?"

"Got it."

"Okay... now, goodnight." Seto closed the door and Ty could hear his soft footsteps lead away from it, signifying that he had gone straight to bed.

I'm glad we got to talk... but I hope Adam will take this... um... well... He thought while sighing. The longhaired brunette walked back to his room and shut the door quietly- he too crawling into bed. After staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, he finally drifted into a deep sleep.


Wind whipped and tugged lightly through his shiny dark brown hair, casting highlights that radiated the sun. A warm and gentle breeze was wrapping around him like a peaceful fog, causing him to close his eyes and enjoy this quietness for the first time in a week. But, as always, it was ruined by loud screams of terror. Bloodcurdling screams that sent wild shivers down his spine dramatically. The teen stood, shaking a bit and casting worried looks in all directions- but finding no source of the cries for help. Clenching his teeth, a searing bolt of pain shot through him like a knife severing flesh. It had begun once again. Large wings grew from the poor boy's shoulder blades, stretching out like pure darkness. A long, winding tail with neon purple spikes had appeared from behind, along with black claws that sprouted from his fingertips. Long and dreadfully sharp fangs poked out from his lips as his eyes changed from it's usual redish color to a deep and spiraling purple. This, was the transformation. More dragon features began sprouting from out of nowhere- including clumps of shiny black scales appearing all over his body while the thickest ones grew from his hands until his elbows. A loud scream escaped Ty's lips, one filled with pain and suffering. A noise behind him caused this poor figure to turn around. Adam was standing there, absolutely horrified with this new 'form'. In the blink of an eye, the Dead Army Leader's pupils slitted and he drove his claws into the Sky's flesh. Blood splattered everywhere- but no matter how hard the young brunette tried, he couldn't get this monster to stop.


Screaming loudly, Ty awoke with a pained gasp of horror. He clutched his head tightly and tried to forget Adam's frozen figure being sliced wide open, organs spilling everywhere and a large pool of blood splicing out...

Seto was the first to race into the room, for the others were very tired from training- unlike himself, who always stayed up late to read spellbooks. Immediately, the Sorcerer attempted to comfort the younger one by hugging him tightly and shushing him. A few more pained sobs came out before it all ended, the nightmare had taken it's toll.

"Tyler... tell me what happened," Seto's worried voice shook.

Ty repeated what he had said before- but with much stuttering and difficulty due to crying at the same time.

"It's alright now... you are completely safe, and so is Adam," The Wizard egged on, rubbing circles into Ty's back soothingly. "If you want, I'll go get him."

Ty nodded gingerly.

"Okay, stay here..." Seto stood and left the room while literally busting open the Butter King's dorm. "Wake up, now."

Adam jerked awake with surprise, rubbing his eyes. "Seto, what the hell dude... what's wrong?"

"Ty needs you, NOw." He replied with as much calmness as he could muster.

Sky was slightly surprised about this- not knowing about his lover's constant wear of nightmares racking his poor brain. Throwing on a shirt and grabbing a thick blanket, he raced out to the young one's room.

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