Chapter 32

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"Now, the fun begins~" Seto chuckled, his eyes turning a dark dark purple that caused Ty to yell in alarm.

"S-Seto!?? What's wrong with you!" His eyes grew wide.

Suddenly, a thunderous boom erupted out of Seto's body, sending Ty crashing into the cave wall. Tiny pebbles landed on his wings along with dust.

Enderlox was almost in tears, looking helplessly at his old friend. "S-Seto...?"

The Sorcerer glared right at him, a purple mist surrounding his body dangerously. "Stay away, aha~" He hissed softly.

"P-Phat... I don't want to f-fight you..." Ty whimpered. Tears started to wet his cheeks and cascade downward. "Y... you're my fr-"

"-Was. Was your pitiful friend. That is, until you murdered my only crush," Seto spoke with sudden rage, the glow of his eyes burning brightly in anger.

"I'll show you the true meaning of friendship, Ty~" Purple fireballs appeared in Phat's palms. Stretching his arm back, he launched them right into Ty's body.

Enderlox yelped and tried to shield himself with his wings, successfully blocking.

Seto cursed under his breath, facepalming himself. "I should have known you'd be resistant to fire, Notch I'm so dumb... but I won't make the same mistake~" This time, water orbs appeared. He aimed carefully then fired them at Enderlox once again.

Ty's wings wrapped around himself as he pushed past Seto, flying like a spinning vortex out of the cave and flaring open his wings to take in the breeze. Now flapping madly to get away, he sped right across the skyline of clouds.

Using his sensitive ears, he could pick up Seto cursing and even him trying to use a spell to fly.

He was in grave grave danger,

By his own best friend.


"Duck... left... right... jump..." Jason mumbled, his eyes purple and baggy. He hadn't been able to sleep since the very day Adam had passed, then also the nightmare.

"Jason, please try to cheer up, okay?" Mitch gave a small smile, lowering his sword.

Jerome strode over and hugged the poor brunette. "Hush... you don't have to train with us right now... you can go straight to bed, okay Cap'n?"

Automatically, Jason nodded. He trudged up the staircase and went indeed right to bed.

"I'm worried about him," Mitch frowned.

"So am I, but the entire Army can't be droopy... what if the squids attack and we are this vulnerable? Sky wouldn't want us sick, he'd want us on our A-game," Jerome sighed.

The two champions of the Hunger Games continued their fighting, training hard for the future war that was yet to come.

All hell would break loose.

But with what Jerome said.

Squids indeed knew Sky was dead.

They knew the best time to attack would be right now.

It was a waiting game for who would move their first pawn.

Good, or Evil.

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