Chapter 29

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Knocking on the door echoed through Seto's mind as he lay on his bed in a sleepless daze. Dark purple bags circled under his eyes, along with his cape strewn around him like a blanket. He trembled as whoever it was walked in.


"G-go away..." The Sorcerer whimpered, burying his face into a pillow. "I'm not o-open for guests right n-now..."

"I know... but... I'm here for you."

He sniffled and had tears already slipping down his reddened cheeks. "Please go..."

"Seto-" Jason sighed, climbing into his friend's bed and wrapping his arms around him snugly. "I'm here for you," He whispered softly.

Seto sniffled and instead dug himself into the Spaceman, whimpering quietly and shaking.

"Shhhh shhh... I miss him too..." He responded, nuzzling Seto's exposed brown hair.

"I-I j-just... I... I c-can't believe he's... g-GONE!" Wailed Phat, sobbing loudly and clinging to Jason.

"I know... shhhh shhhhh... calm down now..." But even Jason himself was tearing up, breaking in the inside of his body and almost shattering. He embraced Seto closely and kissed his forehead, a light pink blush dusting the Spaceman's cheeks.

Seto blushed as well, but however kept crying. He did feel a bit better with someone here besides him battling grief and insanity alone.

The two boys fell asleep with one another, Seto's head nestled into Jason's neck while the brunette's arms were around Seto.


Water dripped from the ceiling and slid down overhanging stalagmites, falling onto the cave ground with a quiet plink and forming a small pool.

Somewhere in the back, a cricket chirped and sang it's merry song of mating.

The soft hooting of owls waved through the cavern walls, bouncing off and reaching the sensitive ears of the hybrid.

It was these sounds that finally calmed his nerves of depression, along with the cold and brisk breeze of night.

He stretched his wings out briefly before fluttering them and flicking his tail.

Ty was silent for the time being, the dragon soul not quite awake but not quite asleep at the same time. It was just... resting, which made him uncomfortable.

For now, he just listened to the outside world and let his mind go blank for once.

This was the first time he could relax and just chill about the things of the past.

About the murders, ruins of memory, and life back then.

Ty had his head on his front claws with his tail curled up against his body. Sounds careened up into Enderlox's heightened ears, lulling him to sleep.

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