Chapter 15- Time to begin

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The black dragon leapt up from the dusty moonscape and dove down toward Earth, hurdling past satellites that blinked red when transporting data. Swiftly turning it's head, magenta fire burst out from it's mouth- immediately exploding ones surrounding it.

Pathetic humans and their wretched machines... the dragon growled.


Team Crafted.


Deadlox~ he sang. You will soon be in fact dead, just how your name spells. You can't escape me now!- he roared and broke through the Earth's surface.


"Alright guys, enough fighting, off to bed," Adam smiled and picked up Ty bridal style.

"How the fuck can you even pick me up?!" Ty cried and giggled, licking Sky's chin lovingly.

"I'm strong, Ty. Obviously. Pft." He stated, planting a kiss on Ty's forehead passonatly.

"...Mrh..." He giggled, burying his head into the crook of Adam's neck.

Sky smiled and stroked his soft hair. "Love you my Ty~"

"Love you too, Adam~" He smiled and purred softly.

-=Once inside the Base=-

Carefully laying his precious love into the bed, Adam kissed his forehead again before turning to leave.

Before he could however, Ty hooked a claw into his shirt and whimpered, "C-can you sleep with m-me?..."

Adam wasn't surprised, and so he nodded his head and crawled in beside him, wrapping his arms around Ty's torso protectively.

Ty blushed and purred softly, cuddling with him.

"I love you Ty~" whispered Adam.

"I love you too, my Sky~" mumbled Ty before drifting off to sleep.

Adam saw this and he too smiled, kissing the back of the Youtuber's neck.


Got to get this in him... King said that he'd be asleep by now... hastily thought the squid, approaching the Sky Army Base. He'd need to sneak very carefully into the castle before any recruit or Sky himself found him. But how?

Scaling the wall wouldn't be too bad... but being up that high would send shivers racking through my spine... oh wait, I don't have a spine. He shrugged and soundlessly crawled up the golden wall that surrounded the entire city. It was supposed to shelter the recruits inside, yet the squids have suction cups on their tentacles- so it proved useless.

Get in, inject, get out. Simple, or so the King says it is... Let's see, how can I even get to him without going inside?

The guard looked around and realized windows were in each room, he'd simply have to look in. Perfect.

Sticking his tentacles firmly to the castle wall, he scuttled across it's fine surface. Of course Sky would keep his palace clean, unlike the Squid Palace that had moss, vines, about every type of sea grass, and other plants growing on it. But, it was home.

Looking through the next window he had approached, it showed a busy brunette slaving over a crafting table and muttering strange words the squid didn't understand. What is he doing? The squid decided to leave, but pretty much assumed it was that Sorcerer guy the King wants so badly on his side. Not like that's gonna happen...

Glancing through the next window, it showed another brunette- but this time, on his bed working on what appeared to be a jetpack. A jetpack? Guy must be smart.

Moving on, the next window showed a long table complete with a dozen chairs or so- the Meeting Room?

I'm getting distracted, best to just keep moving forward... So, the squid kept crawling until he reached one particular window. He looked in and saw a couple in each other's arms. This was no ordinary couple however, one had wings and a long black tail pertruding out from under the green covers.

Deadlox. Smirked the squid, unlatching the window with great care and slipping inside.

He carefully took out the needle and glanced at Adam to see if he saw, but, the King was snoring softly and nuzzling Ty's neck from time to time. Once again, perfect. This plan will go easier than thought.

Now, I had specific instructions for this. Thought the squid, taking the lid off the sharp part.

Goodbye, freak~ muttered the squid and dove the needle into Ty's arm.

"The Last Of Us" : A Team Crafted Story (DISCONTINUED! READ LATEST UPDATE!)Where stories live. Discover now