As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (2)

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Big news... no... HUGE news! As of yesterday night, I became an aunt :) Graciella Ann, my little niece was brought into the world. I wasn't there for the labor but my brother sent me pics! (Nothing too gross) Graciella (gra-sel-lah) is my older brother's new daughter, he's 19 BTW... He's not married... He'd been engaged for about 8 months...? I think so... Anyways, I think how little Gracie got her name was totally flattering :) So my brother's fiance totally loves the name Gracie, but after she met me, she loved the name Ella too... So when they found out they were gonna have a girl, she was going to be named Gracie-Ella Ann. Near the due date, they merged Gracie and Ella together and whala! Graciella. I'm now a big part of my neice's life... well name... Just thought I'd share that with you because it's such happy news!! Anyways, to the story... Enjoy!

Note: I'm 100% a female so there's no way I'd even know what some guys think in their heads... So excuse me if Jed sounds a bit chick-ish....

That is Cara ------------------------------->

(It is subjected to change.. maybe)


“Dude, hot chick alert!” Ian Goodwin hooted. He was one of my best friends.

“I’d rate her a 11 out of 10,” Will Cross, another friend, said.

“Look at her strut. Babe, you and me?” Elijah Peters hollered.

I rolled my eyes. I was surrounded by pervs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m like them, To an extent. They can be overwhelming sometimes though.

“Hey, is that a new girl?” Duke asked. He nodded to a girl who just got out of a scratched up red car. The chick had blonde hair, and from what I could tell, blue eyes.

“Is she a were?” Elijah questioned.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” I said.

“I’m guessing she’s human,” Duke said.

“Why so?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Just a thought. Werewolves have a distinct smell, if you really focus on it. And she’s not really giving any off.”

“You’re standing a million feet away,” Elijah pointed out.

“She’s hot.”

I rolled my eyes. Ian just had to add his 2 cents.

“Hey, come on, we’ll be late,” I said.

At that instant, the bell rang.

As the boys and me ran off, I cast a glance behind me. The new girl looked pretty confident for just entering a new school.

Was she really human? I wonder.


“Lunch time. Lunch time. Everybody eat up!” Ian sang to the tune of the ‘Clean up Song’ from Barney.

“Been watching the shows Alyssa has?” I guessed.

He nodded, grinning. Alyssa was his 4-year-old sister.

“Jed, don’t get mad or anything, but your sister is one hot babe,” Elijah said as Cara and her friend, Melinda Hepburn, stepped into the cafeteria.

“Dude, she is,” Ian agreed. “I’d bang her any day of the week.”

Before I could say anything, Duke swiftly punched Ian’s arm and growled, “Don’t say that.”

Ian shrugged. “Hey, I’m being honest.”

“She’s my sister,” I reminded him. As much as I tease her, I do care for her, and there’s no way I’d let any of my good-for-nothing friends go near her. Being 3 minutes older than her, I feel like its duty to play the overprotective brother.

“Jed,” Cara said, walking over. “Give me a dollar.”

“I don’t have any money with me,” I told her. She frowned.


Duke handed her a 5, and gave her a wink. I noticed that her face was suddenly flushed pink.

“Thanks,” she mumbled. He gave her a short nod before turning back to his food.

As she walked away, Ian wolf whistled at her.

She spun around quickly. “Give it up loser, there’s no way I’d even go there.”

“Burn!” chorused the rest of my friends and I.

Ha, guess my sister can handle herself.


Last class of the day. Phew. I glanced at the clock, surprised I made it with time to spare. Usually, I’m one of those late people who stroll in just as the bell is ringing.

The bell rang and everyone scurried to their seats. I saw Cara rush in just as the bell finished ringing. Miss Lamely gave her a dismayed look before she walked to the center of the room.

“Class, today we have a new student. She just moved here from a different state, so please, make her feel welcomed,” she said. “Miss Underwood, you can step in.”

Suddenly, the new girl from this morning appeared. She had a neutral look on her face, but there was slightly some nervousness hidden there.

“Introduce yourself to the class,” Miss Lamely said.

“Hi, My name is Leah Underwood,” she said. “I’d be lying if I said I’m glad to be here, but I hope I’ll change my attitude soon.”

Miss Lamely gave her a warm smile. “Jed, wave your hand. Leah, you can sit in the empty seat beside him.”

I waved my hand and she walked towards me, sitting herself in the seat beside mine.

“Hey there,” I said, sending her a flirty smile.

She turned to me, looking expressionless. “Look, I know all about your kind. I’m a human, so don’t even go there.”

I raised an eyebrow. Shot down already?

“Um, my kind?” I asked, slightly confused.

“You’re a dirty mutt,” she clarified. I took offense to being called a mutt, especially since I was a pure bred werewolf.

“What’s your problem?” I asked.

“It’ll be you if you don’t leave me alone,” she hissed, rolling her eyes.

I raised my hands up in surrender. “Jeez, just trying to be friendly.

“Jed, do you have a question?” Miss Lamely asked.

I shook my head. “Just stretching my arms.”

She continued with her lecture.

I sent a side ways glance at Leah, who suddenly looked annoyed.

So I guess I solved the mystery. She was a human. A human who was clearly against the idea of werewolves. How did she even know about us anyway?


I was about to ask her when she interrupted me.

“Don’t talk to me,” she said, not even looking at me. “And we won’t have a problem.”

What crawled up her ass and died?

Ohhh..... Any thoughts?


As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (sequel to The Cursed Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now