As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (25)

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Hello cherubs :) So another upload!!! Yay! So this one I'm kinda iffy about.... But whatever..... Enjoy!

Warning: Attemped rape :(


“Don’t touch me,” I half shrieked, half begged.

A man, no younger than 40, hovered over me with a hungry look in his eyes. His teeth looked to be rotting and an odor I could not even begin to describe rolled off him in waves. It almost brought me to tears with the intensity of it.

His pudgy fingers were on my shirt, looking more than ready to tear it apart. However, he was waiting for the cue of Brianna, who was behind him, a camera in hand, ready to capture this heinous act on film and send it to Duke.

My heart clenched at the thought of seeing Duke watch the film. The disgust that would come over him. If he didn’t want me before, he surely would not even look my way after this. Tears prickled my eyes, but I willed to stay strong, at least a little longer.

“Yo, can I now?” the man asked, looking very impatient. Awkwardly, I could already feel his excitement.

“In a second, Joe. She’s not going anywhere.”

The man, apparently named Joe, turned back to Brianna, probably frowning, before turning back to me and disgustingly licking his lips.

I turned my head away, closing my eyes tightly and trying to picture, before I am spoiled, the face of Duke in all his perfectly. His sweet smile and that glow that seems to follow him. Once again, I feel the urge to have a mental breakdown.

“Alright, this can start now.” Brianna’s order brought me out of my thoughts. My eyes shot open, looking at Joe as he slowly descended towards my neck. I tried to dodge it, trying to kick him where it counts as I thrashed around.

Joe groaned as I kneed his stomach.

“Stop struggling princess or it’s going to hurt much more,” he warned. His disgustingly chapped lips came in contact with the tender skin of my neck. I felt shivers of pure disgust as he continued to ravage it, sucking and licking it fervently. I held back the need to regurgitate the little food I had eaten during my stay.

“Please stop,” I cried, scratching his face.

Joe looked at me murderously, pulling his arm back, ready to punch me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact.

“Wait!” Brianna called. “We want her awake during this.”

Joe sighed. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I regretted doing so. Joe looked even more devilish.

Instantly, he tore my shirt apart, the cool air chilling me. I only had on my bra and with no effort at all, it was off. He groped me, harshly squeezing the death out of me. Tears rolled down my face and I kicked around in pain.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I screamed.

Evilly, he laughed, taking my breast in his mouth and began to suck and bite it. When he lifted his head, a dab of blood was at the corner of his mouth.

I yelled louder, with all my energy, which I felt slowly slipping away. I felt my pants being ripped away from me.

Right before I was about to slip out of consciousness, 2 shots rang loud and clear, and followed with a lot of growls. Joe slumped over lifeless, smothering me beneath him. However, I was too weak to move him out of the way.

Suddenly, he was thrown off me. I felt someone pick me up and hug me close. The comforting smell of wood, soap, and a hint of Axe filled my nostrils, making me speeding heartbeat slow down slightly. My heavy eyelids began to fall.

As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (sequel to The Cursed Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now