As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (6)

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Holla! So what's up guys? So I really have nothing to say so I'm going to just tell you some of my summer obsessions... Ready? Are you strapped in? Hehehee...

1) Makeup!!! Ok, so IDK, you'd think that summer would be a time for me to not like makeup cuz it'll like sweat off or whatever, but I'm like loving it (no worries, i don't dig the raccoon eyes, it's all natural) like idk, it's just fun to look all prettied up :)

2) Reading! Call me a nerd, whatevs... I really like summer reading... Especially on the beach when I'm lounging around trying to catch some rays, I love to read :) So the books I've been reading so far are 'Uncommon Criminals' and 'We'll Always have Summer'. 'Uncommon Criminals' is the sequel to 'Heist Society' by Ally Carter. She's like one of my faves... She also have a series out 'I'd tell I love you...' and 'Heist Society' was really good and I finished in a day so ya... And Omigosh guys, the 'The Summer I Turned Pretty' series are the best summer books!!! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Go check them out :)

3) Youtube... I wasn't always such a big fan of Youtube, I just didn't know what to watch, but now I'm just like watching funny vids and stuff... IDK, no specific user comes to mind but ya...

4) Swimming. Like DUH! And tanning.... I'm naturally tan, but I really love the bronzey look so I tan a bit more... Not too much into sitting out in the sun a lot, but I'll do it occasionally. I'm more of a self tanner kinda girl!

5) NO SCHOOL!!! Hehe, this is obvious. Summer + No School = Happy Ella

Alright, if you stuck out and read the whole thing, tell me... I'd like to congratulate you and dedicate the next chap to the next person who reads this WHOLE thing... So ya, the first person to do so will have the next chap dedicated to them... If none of you guys read this... Whatevs... Enjoy!

That-a-way is Jed :) ------------------------------------->

I think I've shown you all of the 4 main characters. Tell me if you think another person would be more fitting for any of them... Peace!


It was the last class of the day again. I was kind of looking forward to it. That was my only class with Leah and I want to demand what’s wrong with her. I mean, not to be conceited or anything, I’m one of the most sought after boys in the school, both with humans and wolves. I would get why she’d push me away if I did anything, but I didn’t. So what’s her problem?

I took my usual seat and saw Cara walk towards me.

“That b-word is in this class with us, right?”

“Yeah,” I said, looking at the door.

“What’s her problem?” Cara asked. “Like I was being nice!”

I could see it bothering her. Cara was naturally a nice person so she believed that being rude was not something anyone should resort to. Unless it’s with horny guys, like my friends, namely Ian.

“I’d like to know too,” I said, shrugging.

Cara sighed and dragged her feet to her seat.

Leah then made her entrance. I guess she returned from leaving somewhere this morning.

She, no doubt, was pretty. Hot? Gorgeous?

The guys’ eyes followed her as she walked to her seat, beside me.


She turned to me, and without a word, turned to face the front of the class.

“What’s your problem?” I asked her. Miss Lamely was oblivious to me chatting while she was teaching.

Leah continued to ignore me, even scooting to the farthest end of her seat away from me.

I sighed. Hm, I tried to be a good guy already. She’s making it pretty difficult.

“Partner up!” Miss Lamely suddenly said.


“I call Leah!” I said, warding off the other guys. Leah looked highly annoyed at my little act.

I saw Cara pair up with her friend Melinda.

“I don’t approve of this,” Leah hissed.

I shrugged. “Too bad, everyone’s paired up already.” I signaled to the rest of the room.

“Alright, partner read the section, take notes, and then complete this worksheet,” Miss Lamely said, going around passing out papers.

“What did I ever do to you?” I questioned.

She kept silent.

“Come on, why do you hate me so much?” I pressed on.

She sighed. “I hate your kind, okay?”


“Just leave it,” she growled.

I put my hands up in surrender, but said, “Look, if you got a problem with me, I’d rather you say it to my face.”

She shot me a glare.

“You think just because you’re a mutt, you’re so much better? Fool, this is a world of humans you belong to so stop acting all top dog.”

I looked at her confusedly. “If I’m not mistaken, 90 percent of the school population is dominated with my kind.”

We were speaking in hush tones, hoping to not raise any suspicion.

“I hope you’re reading,” Miss Lamely told us and she placed the papers on our desks.

I nodded at her.

Leah began to read to herself, completely ignoring the instructions given.

“Look, I don’t know how you perceive us, but you got it all wrong,” I said. “I’m not acting better than anyone.”

She rolled her eyes. “You really want to know my problem with your kind?” I nodded. “Your kind is the damn reason why I no longer have parents or a home. Because of your kind acting all superior, they destroyed everything because they didn’t get what they want.”

I stared at her, my mouth agape. I was not expecting that at all.

“Leah, I-“

“Just shut the hell up, and leave me alone,” she said, turning away and writing down notes.

For the rest of the period, I left her alone.

So what's her deal? What's got her panty in a twist? (Frankly, I don't get this.... I mean, can your panties really twist or whatevs?)


As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (sequel to The Cursed Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now