As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (19)

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Heyyy!!! So here's another upload! Yay! I'm absolutely on a roll with the uploads lately :) So yes, it's short, and boring.... hmmmmm..... oh well! Nevertheless, I hope you guys like it! Enjoy!


Red faced, Mel pretended to pick something off her top.

“Just a bit squeamish with bugs,” she fibbed to the many people who were staring strangely at her. Slowly, she sat down and cowered.

My eyes were wide as I stared at her. I pulled away from Jonah and took her hand. “Mel?”

“Don’t take to me,” she muttered. “That was so embarrassing!”

I shook her. “What’s up?” I whispered.

She looked up, her face flushed. She quickly glanced at Jonah and turned back to me.

“Can we go to talk alone?”

I nodded. We both stood up and left the guys alone. She dragged me to the bathroom and pulled me in one of those family ones that are huge. As if it needed to be that big. It’s not like the whole family can take a crap together anyways.

“So spill girl!” I demanded.

She covered her face with her hands and groaned.

“What?” I hissed, impatient.

“I’m pretty sure Jonah is my mate.”

A moment of silence took place. I stared, my mouth dropped at the news. I always thought they had secret feelings for each other but I didn’t think it would be for real.


She nodded. “I just felt so possessive of him when you were about to kiss him. I couldn’t help myself. Oh my gosh, I made a total fool out of myself!”

I shook my head, hugging her. “It’s only natural! You’re fine!”

Suddenly, I jumped and made her jump with me. “I am so happy for you!”

She started to laugh, and soon, we were both jumping up and down and squealing.

Once we stopped, I laid my hand on her shoulder. “Alright girl, you go out there and get your man!”

She smiled, looking determined. She put her game face on and s          wiped on some lip gloss before slamming the door open.

A little girl, probably no older than 5 stared at us strangely. She looked almost fearful. Abruptly, she spun around and scrammed the other way yelling ‘Mommy!’ as she went.

Mel and I locked gazes and laughed.

We returned to the table, taking a seat. Duke was casually sipping with the straw while Jonah looked quite uncomfortable.

“Um, hey I think this date is over,” I announced, turning and nodding at Jonah. He nodded and stood up, looking over at Mel, who turned away when he did.

“Alright, guess the party’s over,” Jonah said, looking around awkwardly.

“Hey Jonah, why don’t you take Mel home,” I suggested. He nodded.

“What about you?” he asked.

“I’ll take her home,” Duke answered. “I need to get something from Jed anyways.”

I nodded, watching as Mel and Jonah headed to Jonah’s car.

Together, Duke and I walked to his ride.

I slipped in the front seat and strapped in.

“So what’s up with Mel?” Duke asked once he drove out of the parking lot. I looked at him, not able to hold in my excitement for Mel.

“So Mel and Jonah turns out to be mates!” I exclaimed.

Duke turned and gave me a short look. “You don’t look too upset.”

I almost forgot Jonah and I were pretending to date. “Well they’re both my fans and if they are able to find their destined one, I’m really happy. I knew it couldn’t be forever with Jonah anyways.”

Duke nodded, taking a sharp left turn, making me lean towards him. He smiled at me.

“I always thought they were meant to be,” I voiced.

“I did too. Not that you and Jonah wouldn’t make a great couple as well,” he added. I giggled.

“Well, we’re friends first so we’ll always be,” I said.

He nodded, turning into my neighborhood.

“Aren’t you coming in?” I asked when he parked in front of my house. He shook his head.

“I change my mind. I guess I’ll see you at school.”

I nodded waving at him before going inside the house.

A thought inhabited my mind while I was heading to sleep.

If Mel felt possessive over Jonah when I was about to kiss him, why didn’t Duke react in any way?


When Monday rolled around, Jonah and Mel appeared in school hand in hand. I smiled, truly happy for them. They were obviously made for each other and they’ve accepted one another.

“How you holding up?”

I cocked my head to the side and saw Duke. I shrugged.


Truth was, I wasn’t really affected. Jonah and I were pretending after all. Even if it didn’t end in my favor, I was glad it helped them. Maybe there was no chance with me and Duke after all.

“Need a shoulder to cry on?” he asked, offering his shoulder jokingly. I laughed.

“I’m good,” I said, shaking my head. I waved to him and was about to walk over to Mel and Jonah when I was pulled back by him. I gave him a questioning stare.

“What’s up?” I asked, feeling my heart race from the skin contact. How pathetic!

“Hey, we should hang out sometime.”

“Um, yeah.”

“I mean, sure I’m Jed’s friend, but we can too.”

I nodded. Too bad that may be what we ever will be.

Any thoughts?


As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (sequel to The Cursed Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now