As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (8)

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Not much to say... Enjoy!


I didn’t know what I was doing here. Why was I even here in the first place? Why had I followed her?

Questions swirled in my head, asking me why the hell I followed Leah home. It was out of impulse. Out of curiosity for how life for her was.

After hearing about what werewolves did to her and her parents, I just wanted to find out what the aftermath was.

After a good 5 minutes of waiting in my car, I decided it was a good time to finally ring the door bell.

I walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell and hearing heavy footsteps from inside.

The door swung open to reveal a man who appeared to be in his early 50s, maybe late 40s. He had a beer belly and his moustache was invading his mouth. His head was almost bald. There were patches of hair that were a dark brown with hints of gray.

“Who are you?”

His voice was gruff and hoarse. Maybe a result of smoking. His teeth was stained yellow and a few of his teeth were missing.

“Jedidiah Bishop,” I said, offering my hand. When he just stared at it like an alien life force, I pulled back awkwardly. “Um, is Leah around?”

“Who is it Randy?”

A petite woman appeared by the man’s side. Compared to the man, she was probably half his size. She looked in her early 40s. Her hair was a weird blonde, definitely fake. It was puffy and took up much of the doorway.

A flirty smile inhabited her mouth when her eyes roamed me. I felt slightly violated.

“And who may you be?” she purred, her voice just as hoarse.

“Says his name’s Jedidiah,” the man, Randy, said, scoffing.

“Oh, such a name!” the woman chorused, looking delighted. “I’m Tamera, but please, call me Tammy, everyone does!”

“He’s looking for Leah,” Randy said.

Tammy frowned. “And why would a man such as yourself be looking for a whore like her?”

“And who are you to her?” I asked, trying hard to be polite. Who were these people to say such things?

“We’re her aunt and uncle,” Tammy said. “We had to take the thing in when her parents passed.”

“Yeah, we’re already feeding plenty of mouths, we didn’t need her coming along,” Randy said. “Luckily her folks left a bit for her.”

“Listen here, I’ve got myself 2 wonderful daughters that will be just wonderful for you,” Tammy said, leaning closer. “They may be a bit young, but age is just a number, honey. Fiona! Lily!”

2 girls suddenly appeared. They appeared to be maybe 14 or 15.

Man, were they ever going to finally invite me in or are they just going to let me stand there and blabber?

“Oh, how rude, come in,” Tammy said, escorting me in.

The house reeked of smoke and an underlying smell of a bad case of tuna.

I had to contain myself from wrinkling up my nose in distaste. After all, I had a better sense of smell and it really didn’t work in my favor for situations such as these.

“Introduce yourself girls, this man right here is Jedidiah.”

“Jed,” I intervened.

Tammy giggled like a young schoolgirl. Creepy.

“I’m Lily,” the younger looking of the two said, attempting to wink at me. It made her look like a pirate or something.

“I’m Fiona!” the other girl said, pushing her sister aside. They fought by pushing each other back and forth.

“Tammy, I’m done with the laundry.”

My head snapped up to see Leah. She stood there, looking quite surprised at my presence.

“Hey!” I stood up and strode over to her. As if on reflex, she took a step back.

“Why didn’t you tell us about this young dashing man?” Tammy asked, standing up as well.

“He’s a dirty wolf,” Leah hissed, glaring murderously at me.

“Oh, but he’s gorgeous!” Lily retorted. “Besides, you deserved everything that happened to you, whore.”

Her sister nodded in agreement. “Yeah, your parents are happy now that they’re dead. Rather die than be raising you.”

Leah, I could tell, was hurt, but she hid it well.

“Get out of here,” Leah ordered.

“Now, don’t go pushing away our guests. Have you never been taught any manners? My sister always did spoil you,” Tammy said, clucking her tongue.

“My parents raised me just fine!” Leah yelled, visibly shaking.

The family laughed. “Your mother was a whore, and now so are you.”

“Don’t say that!”

“Leah,” I said softly, grabbing her arm. She yanked it back and stared at me. If looks could kill, I would be miles under.

“Leave,” she said with venom in her voice. “Just go!”

“Oh darling, don’t listen to her, stay and have a chat,” Tammy said.

I turned and stared at her incredulously. How could she say such cruel things to her niece, who’s suffered so much.

“I’ll be leaving,” I said. Lily and Fiona pouted.

I turned back to Leah and offered her a small smile, but she turned her head away. I sighed and took my leave.

As I drove home, there were 2 things on my mind.

One, Leah’s life was really fucked up.

And two, I’m going to take her away from that hellhole.

Aww, chivelrous (sp?) much? Feel bad for Leah?


As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (sequel to The Cursed Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now