As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (24)

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Hiya!!!! So here's another upload.... It kinda took a bit long... I guess it depends which way you look at it... Hmm... Anyways, I hope this is a bit more interesting that usual, if not, I'm sorry :( But I hope you guys like it anyways. Enjoy!


I could tell, just by one glance, that Duke was suffering. The circles around his eyes had dramatically gotten darker since the last time Cara was here. Everyone is worried about her, and the police are even involved, but Duke right now is suffering the most because of this.

Not like my case is any better. I force myself to move on, for my sister at least, but deep down, I feel like I’m dying. Each passing moment, a part of my heart is cruelly ripped away from me. It doesn’t help that recently, there’s been this gut feeling telling me something is very wrong. I’m just assuming it’s the hurt of Leah not accepting me and not being anywhere near me for the longest time.

“Do you remember what she was wearing?” Officer Tunney asked my mom, who was in tears.

“Officer, can this wait?” I asked, noticing that my mom was about to have a mental breakdown. Understandingly, the officer nodded and moved aside. I grabbed my mom’s shoulders and brought her over to the couch, sitting her down. My dad was in a pack meeting, trying to send more people in search of Cara. The other search party we had started wasn’t big enough and we got nowhere. I know Duke is antsy to start another one as soon as possible.

Officer Tunney’s radio buzzed. He lifted up to his ear and turned up the volume. He frowned and then turned to his partner.

“Another girl has gone missing,” he announced. “Apparently, her aunt and uncle just reported her.”

“Another one?” Officer Jameson asked, looking incredulous. “Where are these girls disappearing to? What’s the address, I’ll head over there to question them.”

When Officer Tunney stated the address, I froze. I recognized it instantly as Leah’s.

Faster than anything, I bolted out the door and once I reached a safe place, I shifted, going with my instinct to find Leah.


My instincts led me to a house in the middle of nowhere. I almost had doubts, but nevertheless, I cautiously approached the house, shifting back to being a human. I quickly dialed 9-1-1 just in case and reported my location.

The house looked normal, nothing too spooky that stood out to me.

Once I reached the front door, I snuck around, trying to find any windows. Inside, once I peeked in, I instantly saw Leah. She and an unknown guy were standing in a spacious room, a couch behind them and a chandelier hung graciously from above.

Leah looked like a mess, so weak and wary looking.

I kept watch at the two, feeling slightly like a stalker. Soon, I saw the unnamed man walk towards Leah. Leah made no attempt to back away but she did look guarded. I wondered who this was, and if she knew him or had he kidnapped her? The thought of him kidnapping her almost made me burst inside, but I kept watch, needing to make sure she really was in danger.

Out of nowhere, the man jumped at Leah and captured her lips, making my blood boil. Throwing any reasoning out the window, I jumped and smashed through the window. I heard a shriek but all I saw was red. I grabbed the guy by his collar and threw him across the room.

The guy recovered at once and jumped back up, growling and baring his teeth at me. So he was a were too. I growled back at him, standing protectively in front of Leah. I heard her soft whimpers from behind me. I turned around to make sure she was okay. The guy took that as an advantage to lunge at me and slam me to the ground. I was momentarily stunned as I stayed pinned beneath him.

Leah continued to shriek in the background.

“Shut it, bitch,” the guy growled.

Angry he used that tone of voice towards my mate, I threw him off me quickly, and shifted. At the same time, he shifted.

I nipped at his neck. He yelped when I caught a mouthful of fur.

We continued to circle around and stare murderously at each other.

“Stop, please!” Leah screamed. She looked like she was about to pass out.

I ran over to her and covered her with my body, trying to ward off the guy.

Not taking the hint, he crept closer, trying to harm her. My mate instincts kicked in and I was right about to tear him to shreds. However, he froze suddenly and whimpered, quickly shifting back to being a human. Confused and guarded, I stayed shifted, protecting Leah.

A man, maybe in his 50s stepped in, looking completely apologetic.

He raised up his hands in surrender.

I shifted back quickly and yes, I did have clothes on. Well, my jeans were now shorter and torn in many places.

“I apologize on behalf of my son,” he said, bowing his head. “He acts on impulse.” I raised an eyebrow as he walked closer. “My dear, please don’t hide.”

Leah stepped out from behind me, her eyes cautious and breathing ragged.

“Daniel,” she said, her voice hoarse.

The old man smiled. “I’m glad you remember me. You’ll have to forgive my son, yes?”

“Never,” Leah hissed.

The old man, Daniel, clucked his tongue disapprovingly.

“Well this isn’t going to end well I suppose,” he said. He lifted up a gun and held Leah at gunpoint.

“As I’m sure you’ve heard, ‘Hasta la vista!’” he said, pulling the trigger. Acting quickly, I jumped in front of Leah, taking her bullet.

I heard her scream in shock and start sobbing. My vision blurred as I clutched my side painfully. It was nothing compared to the pain I felt when Leah rejected me, I told myself. I felt myself drift off slowly, my breathing getting shallow.

Before I completely passed out, I felt something warm and wondrous on my chest and crying in my neck.

The one thing, the one face that popped in my mind before everything blacked out was Leah.


Ahhhhhh!!! So what's gonna happen next? Thoughts?


As If One Wasn't Bad Enough (sequel to The Cursed Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now