Chapter 3

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I woke up to Gliff knocking on my door telling me to get up. I got up after about five minutes then I got dressed. I followed Gliff to the dining car and I saw eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, toast and juice. I wasn't that hungry so I just ate a piece of toast with a glass of juice. Gliff said that we would be arriving in the Capitol soon and then we would see our stylist and we cannot disagree with them.  After my peice of toast was gone I went in to the car with the biggest window to look out at the Capitol. It was huge! There were buildings as tall as about 40 of the houses in our district stacked on top of each other.

When we got out of the train there were a bunch of lights flashing and people screaming our names. I waved to some of them. We finally got to the training building. Gliff took us to a really big room and there were six people people in there. Gliff sadi that these were our prep teams. Half of them took Kale into a room and the other half took me. There was a boy and two girls, I only knew the girls names, Jasmine and Tamant. They had me take my clothes off and they ripped every hair from my body and some of my eyebrows. After that I bathed in water with herbs and chemicals. Then after that I had a bunch of greenish-blueish makeup put on my face and swirls on my arms. They said that it was going to match my Opening Ceremonies dress.

Then a guy named Cashmere came in and dismissed my prep team. He said that he was my stylist and that I should put my robe on and he lead me into a room with a table full of food. We ate some food and he asked me about myself and told me a little about my Opening Ceremonies dress. When we finished we went back into the room where my prep team ripped all the hair off my body and Cashmere pulled out a sparkling green dress. It felt like sand and ocean water. After I put it on he switched on a button on my sleeve and an ocean scent came out and a cool breze swept through the room.

After a few minutes Caashmere turned off my dress and told me to go back to my room. I found Gliff Rem and Emberly waiting in the room where we came in. Gliff got up and walked around me and just sadi things like "okay" and "ah". Then he stopped and took me to an elevator. He pushed the number 4 and took me to my room. He was going to come back to get me in about an hour. I went around my room and found the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought that  I looked amazing with the makeup and swirls on my arms with my dress on. Then I went out into the bedroom and ordered a snack.

By the time I was done eating and going through my room, Gliff was knocking on my door telling me it was time to go. I followed him to the last floor in the building and I found my brother standing next our carriege. He wasn't talking to anyone but I saw a group of people that I guessed were the Carereers. Then we got on our carriege and we started the Ceremony. The District 1 tributes were the favorites of the crowd as always. It went along as always and after a few minutes it was our turn. We switched each other on and it smelt like home. People could soon smell us and they then started yelling our name. After we finished our prep team swarme us and they were all mesmerized by our costumes.


If noone likes this i dont want to waste my time writing it

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