Chapter 11

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The games have begun I have gotten a lot done in this's the chapter.

Ezi's POV

"Let the 125th Hunger Games Begin!"

"But wait I must make this announcement. After today all of you must be in an alliance with your age group some will be small but some are going to be big. Good Luck!!"

We waited I thought about just grabbing the knife and sheet of plastic in front of me but I will need more things.The gong rang signaling the start. I grabbed the knife and plastic and ran and reached for a pack that was about 10 meters away from the Cornacopia. Another tribute grabbed it at the same time. She asked "What age?"


"well then I'm taking this."

And with that she ran off leaving me confused about my age, then I remembered the new rule. I turn and ran as I saw a boy with a pointy looking spear heading my way and I did NOT need to die.

 I ran around untill I saw the one that had a beach in it. When I got to the edge some lasers stopped me. Whoah, lasers. Some dude appeared out of nowhere looked at my number 4.

"I am sorry Ezibell now leave before we are forced to kill you. You are not allowed in here."

I turned around and left heading towards the one with the fields and crops. I was again stopped by some dude who looked at my 4 and then let me in. I walked around and then saw a movement in the field. I ignored it but I tightened my grip on my knife. After I walked for another minute I felt something in my leg I looked down and saw it was a dart.

I pulled it out and saw a weird animal type thing with a dart gun pointed at me. It shot another dart this time it went in my shoulder. I went towards it knife raised and it shot a dart at me. I guess the dart had some sort of poison in it because my leg and shoulder burned.

I chopped its head off and it died. I turned around and got the darts out. I walked out of that section and crept over to the cornacopia there was two people still fighting I quickly grabbed a big pack. I lifted the bag up and saw it. A trident. I grabbed that and a couple of knives. I turned and saw the one was almost dead so I ran and headed towards the lumber section. I walked in and started walking up the mountain like forest.

 I stopped after hearing the first cannon go off. I counted 10 cannons. I only hoped that there was a lot of 16 year olds left. Then I realized that we had to meet up and I tried to think of any of the 16 year olds. I remebered Tempest and Vivetta. I hoped there was more.

I heard a crack and I looked around I didn't see anythingI looked up and saw one of the oldest tributes sawing a tree branch directly above my head I ran behind him since he was still playing with the branch and threw a knife at his back he turned at the last second and it hit the tree. I threw another and this one hit his right temple.

He fell out of the tree and I took my knife and grabbed the one that was in the tree. I decided that it was getting darkish out and I found a good tree to sleep in. Tomorrow I would find Tempest and Vivetta. I sat down in the pack and looked through it I saw a blanket, a bottle of idione, a water skin, a pack of crackers, beef jerky, and some matches.

I put everything but the blanket in the pack and heard the anthem I looked into the sky and saw the seal of Panem. The first face I saw was Topaz, then the boy from District 3, Bolt, both from 5, Tempest which I let a depressed sigh out at, the boy from 8, the girl from 9, both from 10, and the boy from 11.

I saw that Kale was alive and then thought to myself that I have to find Vivetta tomorrow then I drifted to sleep.

The Dead (R.I.P.)

Day 1

Topaz District 1 by guards mutts at District 1 gate.

Bolt District 3 by Flint, District 6

Amaryllis District 5 by Vivetta, District 2

Bruce District 5 by Acacia, District 7

Tempest District 6 by Bolt District 3

Sage District 8 by Birch District 7

Briar District 9 by Magnolia District 11

Jessamine District 10 by Ares District 2

Barley District 10 by Ares District 2

Heath District 11 by Carawayy District 8

Authors Note

Hey peoples sorry for not uploading sooner but you gotta get used to it cuz I start school tomorrow unlike some of my friends who started today but I start tomorrow and my grandmom just died so we had to help with that and I started the games. The song to the side If I Die Young by The Band Perry. I love that song but it is depressing thank you people for reading this far I love hearing comments and votes and fans aren't terrible either. thanks


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