Chapter 15

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6:33 PM (Eastern Time) October 5 2011

Hey I just wanna say Thanks to my new fan. I got 3 I was so happy. I also saw that I had 9 votes. Thanks people who read my story and I am mainly focusing on this story instead of my werewolf one because it was my first so I wanna finish it first. If it takes me a while to upload I'm sorry with all the soccer then my sisters soccer its chaotic. Enough about my life and Read on to find out what I did to Ares.

(Que Dramatic Music)




Vivetta's POV

It took a couple of hours of grieving over my sisters death but Then I realized I was going to win ofr her but first I would need sleep. I went over to Ezi and shook her shoulder.

"Hey Ezi your watch I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me in the morning?"

"Mmm Kay I will try not to fall asleep. Not making any promises."

"If someone comes and finds you asleep on guard, you and I are dead."

"Goodnight Vivetta."

I crawled under the blanket Ezi had managed to grab, and fell asleep.

                                                    ****Vivetta's Dream****

I was running.

I was running away from the Capitol.

I was somewhere in the woods near District 5. There was about 5 hovercrafts chasing me. I had to get away.

I looked a mess. My hair looked like I had a tracker jacker nest in it, I was barefoot and the little clothing I was able to grab was covered in bug guts and mud. I had bags under my eyes and scars up and down my arm.

The worst thing was My sister was a part of it.

She was in her peacekeeper uniform with a gun. She was in the Head Peacekeeper uniform. I ran and ran but even if I was panting like a dog she was evenly breathing looking as if this was a walk through the park.

The hovercrafts were zoning in on me. My sister morphed into a wolflike muttation and jumped on me. I landed on my back and she pinned me down. The worst thing was, she had the same eyes as Gloria. She bent down, teeth barred ready to tear my throat out when Someone started to shake my shoulder.

                                                              ****End of Dream*****

"Vivetta Vivetta wake up!!"

"Wha- Wha is there any one here." No There was a cannon not to far and the hovercraft came and picked the body up about 2 miles away from here."

"Any other deaths?"

"Yeah there was a cannon about 10 minutes before but I didn't see any hovercraft near here."

"That's good. I guess we will find out tonight. What's there to eat?"

We were in the District 10. The animals there were metal but we found some real animals. They made you think all of them were metal. We talked about our plans today when I saw three shapes in the distance.

"Ezi look theres people here."

"How many?" She didn't turn around she just had a horrified look on her face.

"3 But only one group has 3 people left or had 3 people left yesterday. The 12 year olds."

After hearing this Ezi's face lit up like a little kids on Christmas morning. She jumped up lettting her food fall to the ground and I lightly chuckled. I got up off the ground and walked over towards Ezi who was hugging her brother for dear life.

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