Chapter 13

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Wira's POV

I am so glad that I got out of that bloodbath. Only Heath died he was our other 12 year old. I have only met up with Emily s far and we are looking for Kale. Me and Emily were looking in the District 9 section and talking about ourselves.

I found out that Emily has 3 younger sisters and an older brother. Like Ezibell she came her brother.She lives in the richer part of District 12 but the richer nicer part. She gives small peices of bread to the little kids she passes by in the Seam and she gives her sisters more of her food. She loves to draw and run. Her parents own the town apothecary business. Their peacekeepers aren't that strict but still reinforce the laws. Her District seems so much better than ours.

A couple of weeks before the Reaping a mother in the town had been accused for stealing bread from the bakery. They sliced her throat, the daughter ran up on to stage after she was killed and they shot the girl.

I told her I came here with my cousin and that I have a brother who is 21. I left out the fact that my father beates me when I don't do what he says. I shudder at the thought. He rapes me and slaps me and kicks me around. My brother doesn't know but he's never around to know.

"Are you cold Wira? Here take my jacket."

"No I'm fine, had a bad thought."

We kept walking and I then saw a little square about five feet ahead of us.

"Emily! Look out!!!"

She stopped about 6 inches away. I sighed in relief, She backed away.

"Lets get going I think this is the end of the section Em. There's a force field to stop us. Lets go towards the Cornacopia."

We walked all the way back while eating a couple of berries I found. After a while we reached an exit and saw a short boy dashing around the Cornacopia. We ran towards the Cornacopia and saw that it was indeed Kale and a couple of 13 year olds.We each grabbed a knife and I also grabbed a spear and went in.

There was only two 13 year olds here. Me and Emily went to the one who was trying to get Kale from his back. I threw my knife towards his head but saw it coming fast enough and turned enough just so it hit his shoulder. Me and Emily got in just after he pulled the knife out of his shoulder. Emily took her knife and treid to get him in the neck but missed and hit his temple which was just as good.

I saw a big rock on the ground. I picked it up and crushed it against his skull. A cannon went off and the girl Kale was fighting looked over saw her partner on the ground and ran off. Kale had a long gash down his arm and a couple of scratches. We went throught the Cornacopia and grabbed a first aid kit. Emily wrapped towel around his arm and gave him some painkillers.

"Are we the only twelves?"

"Yup. I'm Emily and this is Wira District 12 and District 3."

"Great 2 girls I'm outnumbered just like my house."

"Alright enough chit chat lets get some stuff and go before she comes back with any friends."

We walked over to the Cornacopia, looked inside and saw a bow and arrows, kives, first aid kit, a couple of blankets. Emily's eyes lit up when they saw the bow. I grabbed some of the knives since I have the best aim with them and Kale grabbed some blankets, a first aid kit and a bag to put them in. Under the bag was a axe. He grabbed it and It fit in his hand so we left.

 We decided that since it was getting dark and we had heard another cannon since our fight that it was time to rest. We chose on going to District 10 because Kale said he say some good hiding and resting spots. We walked all the way over to that section and we warned Kale about the force field surronding the arena.

It took about 30 minutes to get to the cave Kale was talking about. We rested and I took first watch and was going to wake Em up later. It was the boy Cedar from District 9 and Magnolia District 11.

The Dead (R.I.P.)

Day 1

Topaz District 1 by guards mutts at District 1 gate.

Bolt District 3 by Flint, District 6

Amaryllis District 5 by Vivetta, District 2

Bruce District 5 by Acacia, District 7

Tempest District 6 by Bolt District 3

Sage District 8 by Birch District 7

Briar District 9 by Magnolia District 11

Jessamine District 10 by Ares District 2

Barley District 10 by Ares District 2

Heath District 11 by Carawayy District 8

Day 2

Acacia District 7 by Flint District 6

Day 3

Cedar District 9 by Emily District 12 and Wira District 3

Magnolia District 11 by Ares District 2

AN Hey people I hope this is long if not oh well I tried typing it up on word but it wont let me use quotation marks when I upload it on here and of course I did the interview chapter on word so I had a lot of things to change. Is there any people you people want dead and any POV's you want to see, maybe Ares. Anyway thanks a bunch to the people who read my book and check out my new book if you like werewolves. Thanks for reading this and give me feedback I fell like my book isnt being read cuz I haven't gotten any feedback.

Love and Justified


PS Justified is the artist of the song Dearly Missed check it out ->

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