Chapter 14

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Ares' POV (hehe maybe you people will find out how he is doing)

I have become a killer. A monster soon I'm going to drink their blood or something. Okay maybe not that but you get the point. I have killed 3 out of the 13 that are dead Only one person has almost gotten as many kills has me. Flint from 6. He has 2. I just want these things to get good. The final two. Me and a good opponet to kill. I have been trained since I was 7 to kill. My family are acheivers we always get what we want. There is only one thing I want right now. It's victory. I don't want it for the fame or fortune. I want it so I can get back to District 2 and my girlfriend. She has been trained with me and couldn't volunteer this year because she was very sick. She missed the reaping but was getting better.

I was so consumed in my thoughts I didn't hear the whispering behind me . I grabbed a knife so the people wouldn't notice and got ready to attack. I lost my "allies" after the second day. It is now the fourth day. I quickly stopped and whirled around and threw my knife at someones chest. It landed in between some ribs. I noticed and saw it was the 14 year olds. They are not the brightest bulbs on the planet. I saw them following the 18 year olds yesterday.

I hit the boy from 12 with my knife before and had another knife in my hands. I went up to him stabbed him in the heart. He would die later. The other boy turned and ran away. I threw my knife at him but he heard it and jumped out of the way. It landed in a tree. I took the knifes out of the guys body and left him there. I walked to the tree with my knife and grabbed that. I had seen a stream in District 1. It is a place of luxury there but everything is poisonous except a stream I found towards the back. I was in 8 which was boring it was just a bunch of fabrics with some trees.

 I walked out of this section and into the field by the Cornacopia. i looked and saw a little bit of extra things I don't need in there. I walked past it and went into the 1 section. I walked in and made sure not to touch anything uncase it decided to eat me. After a very boring hour of walking, other than almost being eaten by some weird plant, I reached the stream. I filled up my water skin and cleaned my weapons.

After I cleaned my weapons I reached into my pack to grab a peice of rabbit that I killed the other day, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I held my knife more firmly in case it decides to attack and eat the rabbit. After a few minutes I see another movement. I look to the ground to see a bunch of frogs on the ground. They aren't ordinary frogs this is the Hunger Games nothing is ordinary. These are muttations, most likely poisonous, frogs. I slowly backed away and they started following me. One frog jumped onto the boulder next to me and showed me some nasty looking fangs. I moved to the other side.

Another frog jumped to my other side and one hopped onto my boot. I stopped and watched as they came closer. Then one leaped and I...

Sapphire's POV

It's day four of the Hunger Games and I am walking through the District 10 section looking for some food. I lost Magnolia, a weak tribute from District 11, yesterday. Ares came and snuck up on us. He got her when I wasn't looking. It's easier for me now. I have gotten a good 15 or so parachutes. They mostly consisted of knives but one had a very pointy spear. I am hiking through the 10 section because of livestock they have there. So far all the animals I have come across are mechanical. I'm tempted to turn and head to the 4 section. I could spear some fish there. Just as I'm about to turn around I see a cave about a 5 minute walk from where I am now.

 I decide to go seewhat was there out of hunger and curiosity. I walk forward with spear in hand and when I get there I see no one. But I do see a pack hopefully there will be someone coming to get it. I haven't killed anyone yet. I need to do a killing quickly or I will be shamed by my District. I heaer footsteps as I'm eating some of the food they have and I whirl around with spear in hand. I see the little 12 year olds. Kale the boy from 4 has an ax, The girl from 12 had a bow and arrow, and the little girl from 3 had a knife. I laughed and they got ready to hit me.
"Give me your best shot!"

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