Chapter 12

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Vivetta's POV (It's during the bloodbath)

I reached the cornacopia second after the girl from District 5. I grabbed a sword and when she wasn't looking I stabbed her. I heard before the games that we were teamed with people our age so I realized that there was only two other 16 year olds. Eizbell from 4 and Tempest from 6.

I looked over and saw Tempest being killed. Then there was two. I didn't see anyone looking ready to kill me and I don't feel like killing anymore, I know strange right. My dad was forcing me to volunteer if I wasn't drawn sadly I was drawn. I don't like killing people. I despise these games I pretend to love them but I don't I pretned because my dad was really into them after he won. He is now a monster.

I grabbed a few packs and knives, spears, and maces. I went of to the area where I saw a big beach. I knew that District 4 was seafood. I went up and saw lasers and some dude appeared out of nowhere. He grabbed my hand saw the number 2 and the lasers went off. Weird.

I looked around but couldn't find Ezibell. Or Kris. No. Kip. No. Kale that's it. They probably weren't allowed in here. It was then I noticed a shadow behind me I grabbed my knife and went to drag it across their gut but their wasn't anyone there. Creepy. I turned and began to walk again then I saw some fish I took my spear and speared two of them.

They made a wonderful lunch? Maybe. I finished the second fish and continued walking I saw the shadow,again. Grabbed my knife, again. Turned around and saw nothing, AGAIN!!! I walked out of the ocean part of the arena and heard a crash in the wooded area. I went over there because I might find someone who saw Ezibell. Maybe her brother.

I got stopped and checked again. I walked in the section and started walking north. I then saw a branch on the gorund I continued walking because they couldn't have gone far.

After a while I saw someone climbing a tree. It was a girl and I then noticed it getting dark. All of a sudden my 2 on my arm started to glow. I decided I should find a spot to sleep before it gets too dark. I found a cave about 10 minutes from where I saw the firl. There wasn't anyone in there, or anything so I went through my packs I set my weapons a little off the side. I grabbed a sleeping bag and set it up with a knife by my side.

I fell asleep for a couple of hours when I was woken up by the cannon. I decided I should find that girl before she leaves. I threw my stuff in a pack kept a knife out and walked south towards the tree.

After 10 minutes. I saw the girl getting out of the tree. I recognized it as Ezibell.

"Ezibell, wait!"

Ezi's POV (10 minutes earlier)

I jerked awake by the sound of a cannon. It was morning and only got a couple hours of sleep. Today I'm going to find Vivetta.Unless she just died but I doubt she did so I started to pack my bags. I started to climb down my tree and then I heard leaves crumpling. I reached the ground and was about to run when I heard

"Ezibell, wait!"

I stopped for a minute ready to throw my knife when I saw that it was only Vivetta. Thank God I didn't feel like hiking around the entire arena.

"Thank God Vivetta I thought it was someone else."

"Yeah yeah Ezibell so do you know of any other 16 year olds?"

"Nope there was Tempest but she died yesterday. How long do we have to keep this alliance without being killed if we weren't together?"

"I don't know how long we have to keep it. Let's hope they make an announcement."

"K so we found each other. There are no more 16 year olds what do you want to do?"

"I say we go get some food. In the beach section there was some fish."

'I'm not allowed in there, I don't think District 7 are allowed in here and so on. If they let District 7 in here then they would be able to survive easier."

"That makes sense. Then where do you want to get food?"

"Hmm maybe if we looked around here we might be able to find some rabbits or squirrels. Unless you don't want meet we could go to the District 11 section."

"How about we keep walking north and just get some meat. We can talk on the way."

We grabbed all of our stuff and went walking west. After about twenty minutes we had found a rabbit and were now eating the legs.

"What type of jobs do you have to do in District 4?"

"We have to help catch fish at the beaches. Go to school and during the summer we play and help out around the house. I also watch my little sister. What about you?"

"My father sits down and watches Hunger Games recap mostly his own, and my mother died a few years ago. I sometimes hear from my older sister who is a Peacekeeper in District 4, her name is Glory You might know her? But I just train and go to school."

(A.N pretend that Glory is a peacekeeper that Ezi talks to use your imagination!!)

"Yeah I know Glory we talk somemtimes when she isn't working she stops by the house every once in a while to talk to my mother."

"I hear from her about once a month. How is she doing I haven't heard from her for a while."

The truth was that Glory died before we left and was about to send word to her family while walking down the beach fell in and drowned. By the time somone got her she was dead. She died the day of the Reaping.I thankfully didn't have to tell her that when a parachute interrupted us.

"Whose do you think it is?"

"I think it's yours Vivetta."

She walked up to it and grabbed it. It was a knife with an engraving on it. It said "Glory Williams"

I guess it was her sisters, I decided now that I should tell her.

"Vivetta your sister died the day of the reaping she was going to send you a letter but right before she finished it, she died."

"That's terrible how did she die?"

"It was a heart failure, It was painless. She fell in the water while she was walking around a lake towards the end of the District. They found her to late. I'm sorry."

Vivetta didn't answer so I dropped it and kept walking. We walked until it got dark and we found an empty cave to set up camp for now. Vivetta took first watch and was going to wake me up later. I let her because she probably wanted to grieve her sister.I watched only one face appear tonight Briar from District 9. I fell aslee after that.

The Dead (R.I.P.)

Day 1

Topaz District 1 by guards mutts at District 1 gate.

Bolt District 3 by Flint, District 6

Amaryllis District 5 by Vivetta, District 2

Bruce District 5 by Acacia, District 7

Tempest District 6 by Bolt District 3

Sage District 8 by Birch District 7

Briar District 9 by Magnolia District 11

Jessamine District 10 by Ares District 2

Barley District 10 by Ares District 2

Heath District 11 by Carawayy District 8

Day 2

Acacia District 7 by Flint District 6

AN Thank you all my  readers and anyone want anybody to die and any POV's you want to see. Any things you want me to send to the tributes for sponsers. The song to the side is Fences by Paramore cause I had been listening to it while I uploaded. I am sorry for not uploading sooner but school and soccer just started and I have to go to my sisters' games too and then share the computer with them. Thank you for reading my story and votes and comments are appriciated. And if you fan you get a chapter and any songs you want to hear I will put up Thanks and I'm gonan start my rant. Must have had to much coffee ice cream which is the best ice cream flavor other than cookie dough.

thanks and love


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