Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Wira's POV

I woke up in kind of hazy. At first I thought I was hallucinating when I saw a desert. The arena had different sections sure, but none of the sections was a desert. I walked around looking for Emily, Ezi or maybe Vivetta.

After about 5 minutes of talking to myself and yelling I heard someone answer me. From the voice I knew it was a boy. He came into veiw a couple seconds later. He was tall. About 14 years old by the looks of it. In my head I thought of only one 14 year old left alive. Ash, Emily's brother. I gulped. I drew my bow and grabbed one of my last arrows. I aimed it and walked towards him. He drew his knife and advanced too.

We stopped about 10 yards from each other.

"You're Wira right? One of the 12 year olds?"


"Do you know how Emily is?"

"Before they changed the arena she was fine but I don't know where she is know."

"I heard your voice I thought you might be Em. I guess I was wrong." After that he charged me with his knife. I was taken off guard for a few seconds but I quickly moved out of the way. Not quick enough. His knife hit my elbow. I whimpered a little but I was used to it. I aimed my arrow and shot it at him.

It hit his shoulder. He pulled it out just to get another in his other shoulder. I hadn't shot the last arrow. Who did? While I was thinking he came at me with a knife. Right before he reached me, a rock crushed his skull and he crumpled to the ground.

"Wira! Are you ok?"

"Ezi! Thank you! Have you found anyone else?"

"No I haven't just found an 18 year old. I killed him before he could kill anyone else though. Do you know who this is?"

"It's Ash, Em's brother."

"Ok. Who else is left now that he is dead?"

We started walking in some random direction. Talking.

"You, me, Kale, Vivetta, Emily, that's all I can think of right now."

"K well let's look for them."

We walked towards the east. We walked in silence, though. After about an hour or two we found a pair of people. We looked at each other and ran towards them. It was Vivetta and Emily.

"They aren't talking they're fighting!!" I managed to yell out.

I ran faster but was brought to a stop by and arrow flying towards me. It wasn't a normal arrow, it had spikes on the side not enough to weigh the arrow down but enough to kill someone if it gets caught in their neck or temple. I turned enough so that it would hit my shoulder. After it hit my shoulder a poison spread through my body.


I screamed out in pain. It hadn't hit my shoulder, it hit my neck. The arrows must lock on their target. The pain became blinding and I soon started to see spots. Then I blacked out.

Kale's POV

This time the idiot got tired of me talking and just gaggd me. I couldn't get anything out of my mouth besides spit and choking noises. I decided to have fun with the guy.


"Kid what are  doing? Don't die if that's what you are trying to do. Then you won't be able to see your sister again. That is if she's still alive."

I immediatly stopped when he mentioned Ezi. I was happy yet sad. Happy because my sister was still alive, sad because she might die soon.

What if she dies in the next few seconds?

What if she is still alive and they let me go?

What if she's the ony one left?

What if I have to fight her?

What if-

"Kid chill out you're going into a panic attack or something."

"Mm mmmm mooin minto a manic mmtack."

"I have absolutly no idea what you're talking about but this is stage one denial."

"Mm mot moing minto mmnial!"

"Yup definatly denial."


"Did you just ... growl?"


"Weird kids these days."

"Mxcuse me!"

"What I don't know what you just said."

"Mmi mmid mxcuse me."

"I still have no clue what you are talking about. I'm just going to ignore you now."

"Mon't mu mare mgnore me."


"Mannoying mmople."


"Mut mup Mobly!!"

"What did you just say?"

"Mut mup?"

"No after that."


"Yes why did you say it again?"

"Mi man't mxactly malk mmght mmw."

"Yeah yeah sure you can't."

"Mi man't."

"Just don't say Mobly again or you are going to get it."


"Mobly," he said shaking with ager "is my brothers name. He was the star in my family according to my mother. Then when he left to District 4 he was a saint."

"Mho mis mour mrother?"

"He has three children last time I checked. Married to someone named Emalia I think."

My mother's name is Emalia. Father has the slightest accent and now that I think about it I realize he looks like Bobly.

"Mu mre my munlce?"

"Did you just say Mo Mre My Muncle?"


"Wait does that mean 'You are my uncle?"

I noded my head and said


"Awwww its my nephew and my neice is in the Hunger Games fightig for her life. What about my third neice or nephew?"

"Mirl Mree mears mold."

"SHe is a girl and is three years old?"

I nodded my head again. 

"Ok you're bothering me again so I'm going to knock you out now."

It took me a minute to process his words and by the time I did I was knocked out.

AN sorry about the long wait and I'm changing my main story most likely because this only has a couple chapters left. Thank you for sticking with me the entire story if you read this. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the book and I want anyone reading this to check out my other book What a Welcome Home present. 



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