Chapter 5

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We went inside for lunch and I just had some stew and a roll. The careers invited us to eat with them so we went over and talked a little. When we sat down one girl said "Hi I'm Sapphire(District 1) This is Topaz(District 1), Vivetta(District 2), Ares(District 2). Who are you guys?" "I'm Kale and this is Ezi nice to meet you."I ignore the conversation they were having untill i felt someone kick my leg from under the table I look up and see everyone staring at me "Sorry what did you say I wasn't listening?" "Are you going to join the careers?" Horay asked. "I don't know I'll tell you guys when I've decided." "Okay you do that." After that it was a pretty quiet lunch. We went back to our rooms and when me and Kale left the elevaters he said "Why didn't you just say yes!?"

"I didn't just say yes because I wanted to know what you were going to do!" I said suddenly angered.

"Well I said yes because I want to have a shot at going home and that way I have one less group of vicious tributes coming after me!"

I was shocked by his outburst cause for a little 12 year old it was pretty strange to hear him shout at a 16 year old and his sister at that. I walked to my room to think about it. I knew that most people from District 4 are careers so it wouldn't be normal if I didn't join and if I didn't they might just kill Kale. I decided to sleep on it. After about 5 hours of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep. The nightmares came today though I kept watching as I saw Kale and the other careers running at me. I tripped and fell on his back. Then Kales sea green eyes became blood red shining with hatred and then his trident hit me. I woke up covered in sweat. I got up and walked into the bathroom and got a shower. The water felt so good against my sweaty body. I saw that it was about 6:45 and that Gliff or someone would come and wake me anyways so I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a blue tshirt and went to the roof. When I got there there was already someone there, I walked over and saw that it was the girl from 12. I walked up and when she heard me she spun around. She relaxed a little when she saw that it wasn't anyone coming to get her.

 "Hi I'm Emily District 12."

"Hey I'm Ezi District 4"

"What are you doing up here?"

"I woke up and saw the time and figured someone would wake me up again anyway so I just came up here? How about you?"

"I couldn't fall asleep I've been up here for about an hour."

"This stinks. Last night I had the other tribute from my district, who happens to be my twelve year old brother, yell at me about not joining the Careers. I don't want to join the careers but my brother did and if I don't they'll probably kill him and he wants to join the careers so I don't think I can talk him out of it."

"That does stink. I think that you should join the careers and after a while when they start killing each other grab as much supplies as you can and run with your brother and try not to get noticed."

"Thanks Emily I think I'll talk to him about that."

Then I hear the door open and when I turn around I found Gliff yelling at me to get downstairs to breakfast.

"Thanks Emily maybe we can talk again soon."

"Your welcome."

I walked over to Gliff and followed him to the breakfast area and when I sat down a plate filled with eggs, sausage, bacon, hasbrowns and toast was put in front of me. I ate slowly while blocking Gliff out because I didn't want to hear today's schedule because I already knew it. When he left with Emberly and Rem (Mentors) I told Kale what Emily told me on the roof and he nodded his head in agreement. I went back to my room when I finished my breakfast. I took a long shower to think about the choice I made of being in the careers.  I hope it was a good idea.

A.N. I still need names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Caitlin!!!!!

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