Chapter 10

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I can't belive it's Chapter 10 already double digits!!! Here's the chapter This Chapter is dedicated to TheHungerGames124.

Sapphire's POZ (Maybe you'll find out what the party on the street was for. duh duh duh)

After the interviews me, Topaz, Vivetta, and Ares talked about what we were going to do tomorrow. We were just running into to the Cornacopia grabbing weapons and picking off as many people as we can.

I had sponsers covered. That night after the Opening Ceremony, my mentor snuck me out and people in the Capitol would hate to not go to the biggest party. We had them pay to come into the party. I didn't want to let the people from District 4 in the group but the boy was following us around so we just asked him.

I fell asleep easily the last night in the Capitol. Stinks for the restless sleepers.

I was awoken by the sun coming into my room. I saw Halara, my stylist, in the room with the blinds open. I grumpily got up muttering things to myself. If you couldn't tell I was NOT a morning person.

I followed him to the roof and got my tracker. After I got my tracker some person put a number 1 on my hand. We boarded the hovercraft and I ate a nice amount of eggs and ham with home fries. After I ate that I drank a big glass of orange juice and sipped on hot chocolate.

Me and Halara talked about our strategy. We arrived at the arena and me and Halara walked into the launch room. We heard a voice say "Five minutes to launch." I drank a glass of water and changed into the outfit we had to wear for the Games. I stood on the launch pad. "Good luck Sapphire. Make sure you get them for me." Halara said I just nodded and he gave me a pat on the shoulder and the tube went down keeping me away from hearing him. I played with my district token. A ring my family gave me. It responds to my voice and turns into a pousinous weapon. I went up and got my first glimpse at the arena.

It had 12 different sections each one had something that represented the Districts. In the middle there was a circle of grass and flowers and the golden Cornacopia sat upon it. I saw a good pack of weapons and I was so grabbing it. The gong rang and the 125th Hunger Games began.

AN I know it was short and all but I hadn't uploaded in a while and you people deserved something. And you found out what Sapphire had planned. I made a new story and will be uploading soon.

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