Chapter 4

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After my prep team finished talking to me I went up to my room and changed out of my dress and all the makeup. I got changed into comfy clothing and then knocked on Kale's door he let me in and we sat down on his bed. I asked him "What do you think of the games?" "I think that the games are terrible and that the Capitol shouldn't do that to children." he said. After that it was pretty silent. We decided we should go down to dinner. When we got there only Rem was sitting down. After about five minutes everyone was here. Dinner was turkey with lamb stew with dried plums. It tasted wonderful. After we ate Gliff took us into a room so we could watch the opening ceremonies.

We looked amazing in our ocean costumes. The District 12 tributes were wearing the same exact thing that Katniss and Peeta Mellark wore on their opening ceremonies. I thought it was a good idea since katniss and peeta are the only living victors of District 12. I wasn't really paying attention untill Gliff asked if we had any special skills. "Ezi can use a trident." Kale said suddenly. "Well Kale is really good with a knife." I said for him.  "Chances are that there might only be 1 trident and someone might try to keep it away from you and there are always plenty of knives. At training tomorrow steer clear of weapons except maybe bow and arrow. Learn how to make a fire, how to climb a tree, learn something." Gliff told us. After that we went to our rooms. We woke up at around 9:30 with Gliff pounding on our doors. I got ready and went down to get some breakfast. There wasn't much to talk about so it was pretty silent.  It was close to 11 so we went down to the training center. When we got there about half of the tributes were there. When it was 11 most of the tributes were here so Atala, the training conselour, named all the stations. When we were allowed to go to the stations I went to the edible plants station. I stayed there for about an hour and then went to learn how to make a fire. After about 30 minutes I had a pretty good fire going since I grew up around water. After the trainer said I could go I went over to the spear throwing station. I lookeed around the area and I saw some tributes who looked like they were from District 9 and from District 10. then I saw Kale at the archery station so I went over there. I picked up a bow and then Kale showed me how to use it. I got the bow loaded and I aimed at the target I didn't hit it in the middle but I was pretty close so then I asked Kale "How many different stations have you gone to?" "I've been to about 5. How about you?" he replied.

"3. Have you talked to anyone?"

"I talked to the District 12 tributes and the girl from 2."

After we finished with bow and arrow we decided to go climb trees. When we got there, there wasn't many people there. We saw 3 people, District 6 and District 8 girl. We decided to try it so we went over and started to climb. When we reached the top I guessed that we were about 40 ft in the air. We looked out over the training center and it looked small compared to when we first came. We climbed down and went to the edible plants station. We stayed there for about an hour and then lunch was called.

A/N Can someone please leave a comment saying if they like it or not and some names because I am terrible at chosing names. I sat at my computer for like 20 minutes before I thought of a name for the stylist. I would dedicate a chapter to them. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need names!!!!!

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