Chapter 8

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Ezi's POV


Once I walked in I knew exactly what I was going to do.


The Gamemakers were sitting down drinking their wine. I walked over to the Archery station grabbed a bow and sheath of arrows, then walked to the tree climbing station. I climbed about 30 feet up in the air stopped looked at the target dummies and shot an arrow at it's heart throat and head. I slid down the tree went to the fire station got a fire started quickly, took a burning twig and lit the dummie on fire.

I dropped the twig back in the fire dropped the arrow and sheath on the ground in front of the gamemakers and they dismissesd me. I walked over to the elevater and went up to our floor I looked around for Gliff, Rem, or Emberly but I couldn't find any of them so I went to the roof. There wasn't anyone up there so I went to the garden and looked at the flowers. i realized then that I could count on my fingers the days till the dying begins. I layed down, heard someone open the roof door and then blacked out.

Heath's POV

I walked up to the roof I saw the one girl from training storm out after her session and because I was District 11 I was way after her session. I had met her brother and we talked he was 12 like me and he was the middle child like me. I decided we might be able to have an alliance with them because they looked nice and smart. It looked like she was sleeping so I decided to wake her up so I could talk to her. After about trying for 2 minutes to wake her up I gave up and ran to my floor becaue it was closer and got my mentor, Aric. I told him someone was passed out on the roof he stood there looked at me smirked then burst out laughing. I saw the bottle of liquor on the table in front of him and ran to get her brother I ran into him on the elevator and quickly told him about his sister. We shot up the elevator to the roof and ran over to her. when we got to her she started to mutter things so I figured she was waking up.

Ezi's POV

I heard feet running towards me I tried to open my eyes but everything was a blur. I felt my my arm and it was really bumpy and dark colored from what I could tell my other arm was about the same. I felt people kneel down beside me I said something about blacking out to them but they didn't understand me so I tried to tell them. My eyesight improved a little and I saw that I was in a garden and Kale and some other guy were kneeling beside me.

Then I caught sight if what was in the garden. Rue flowers. I was highly allergic to them. My arms would swell up and my vision is terrible. I thought I heard Kale's voice and could swear he was trying to get some help. There was someone else there but she din't know who. They got some medics up here and they took me down far underground. I realized that I was in a hospital and then for the second time passed out.

Heath's POV

Her brother said something about her being really allergic to Rue flowers. Rue, my little sister.I ran to get a medic while he was trying to move Ezi. They got up here pretty quick then we went all the way underground to the hospital. She passed out again so I told her brother I would talk to him later. He just nodded his head while watching his sister

AN sorry for all the POV switches I was writing this in different days so I got different ideas then forgot my ideas from before so thanks for reading

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