Chapter 6

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I decided to do Kales POV so here

Kale's POV

After hearing what Ezi's plan was I agreed. The careers would start to kill each other so that would probably be the best time go, so I agreed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was ten of eleven, Gliff would come and get me soon. As if on cue, Gliff yells "Kale come on we have to go to training." "Coming!" I followed him downstairs and me, Ezi, and Gliif went down to the training room. We were the last people there.

When we were allowed to go to the stations I followed Vivetta to the spear throwing station. I saw Ezi wlk over to Sapphire, hopefully to tell them she was joining them. When we got there after a few times I threw, Vivetta turned around and said "Was your sister joining us?"

"Yeah I think she was telling Sapphire that now."


When we finished throwing spears Vivetta walked over to some other station while I went over to the fire station. I saw someone coming over that I didn't recognize, he sat down and started to make a fire.

"Hi I'm Cedar District 9."

"Kale District 4."

"Were you planning on joining the Careers this year?"

What do you think I thought but instead I said "Yeah me and my sister were joining."

"Your sister?"

"Yes my sister is sthe other tribute from my district."


Then I got a fire going and the trainer said I could leave. I looked around and saw Ezi at the bow and arrow station so I decided to go over there.

"Hey Kale"

"Hey Ezi, did you tell Sapphire that you were joining?"

"Yeah I told her and then she told me our plan."

Plan? I never heard our plan. After me and Ezi decided to give up archery, I went to find Sapphire and Topaz to figure out the plan. I found them surprisingly at the edible plants station, most careers don't come here because they always have the most food.

"Hey Sapphire Hey Topaz."

"Hey Kale"

"What was the plan we were doing?"

Sapphire and Topaz talked amongst themselves probably debating whether to tell me or not. After thirty seconds of that Sapphire said

"We were planning on talking out the older tributes first and then work our way down to the younger ones not including you."

"Ok thats a good idea the older ones would be stronger."

Then I left, it wasn't the best plan they could come up with but I don't think they are that intelligent. While I was looking at the other stations the lunch bell rang. I didn't see Ezi so I walked to get some food. I didn't really know what I put on my plate but I probably wouldn't eat it so it didn't matter. I walked over to the careers table and when I sat down they stopped talking. It seemed weird but I ignored it. During lunch they talked about the other tributes. I tuned them out and ate the food that was really good.

(I decided to skip the training after lunch because I couldn't think of anything that would go on so now they are eating dinner.)

I followed Gliff to the dining room and got some lamb stew with dried plums and a roll. We talked about what we were going to do in front of the gamemakers during our private session. This afternoon I found out that I was really good at camoflauge so I didn't say what I was going to do out loud. Ezi had decided she was going to use some bow and arrow. Then I went to sleep.

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