Chapter 16

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1:11 PM

October 15, 2011

Hey I was looking at my other story What a Welcome Home Present today and saw it has about 160 reads. I looked at it yesterday it barely had 60 thanks for whoever reads it. If your reading this story and haven't checked my other one out check it out please. Anywho I was wondering if there is anyone who wants to edit my stories they would get a sneak preview of the chapter. Thanks to everyone. Enjoy

Ash's POV (Before Ares died after he fought the 14 year olds)

I almost died back there. We need to kill Ares and fast. I want me or Em to get out of this. Em's my sister. We are from District 12 and know how to be hungry. Em's been doing good. The 12 year olds were in their own group. Then I realized there is only 10 of us left. I kept walking looking for a place to rest. Then I heard a cannon. Never mind then there is 9. I quickly found a place to rest and fell asleep.

Kale's POV (What is the lion thing gonna do to him)

After the lion thingy-mcbobber put me down hands grabbed me and put a rag over my eyes. After they made sure I couldn't see, They tied my hands behind my back and put me in what I guess was a cage.

"Isn't the lion thingy-mcbobber (I'm gonna call him George) supposed to be in a cage?"

"No George is not supposed to be in the cage. We would love to have him share the cage with you but sadly we aren't allowed to kill you. Bosses orders."

"Well can I have something to eat an or drink?"

"Will you shutup if I give you something to eat?"

"There's a possiblity."

"I will take that possibility."

Idiotic gaurd person. I'm gonna name him Bobly.

"Here take it."

"Bobly I wanted something to drink, where is it?"

"Who in the world is Bobly and you said and I quote 'and or a drink'. Those exact words.

"Your Bobly and I said no such thing."

"Did too."

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"

'Did too"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did too"

"Ha you said did too I win. Also your blindfolded you can't see if you have a drink or not."

"Who said I didn't have x-ray vision?"

"Noone has x-ray vision."

"Just because you don't doesn't mean you have to be jealous of my super powers."

"I'm not jealous you stupid little 12 year old."

"That's what a jealous person would say, Bobly."

"I'm ignoring you now."

'Ok but you do know you just gave up and you still owe me a drink."


"Hey look a purple unicorn!!"

"What? Where? Where's my camera?" That proves my theory that he is idiotic.

"Wait, you're wearing a blindfold. How do you know that there's a purple unicorn over there?"

"I told you already, x-ray vision. Where's my drink?"

"Again there's no such thing as x-ray vision and I'll get you your stupid drink." After he came back with a water, I downed it. Little did I know that he drugged it.

Ezi's POV (after George)

The lion thingy came and took him. I cried about an hour straight. Before I stopped crying I thought, 'Wait, the note said that one of us has to be the last one in the arena. I'm going to win. I'm doing it for Kale. With that thought in mind I drifted to a restless sleep.

Ezi's Nightmare

I was on a beach. I was kneeling in the sand, cradling someone's head. As I looked closer I saw that it was Kale. His eyes were rolled in the back of his head. His skin was sickly pale. He was dead. He had a gaping hole in his side, his intestines coming out of it. Then I looked up.

"Someone's found her little brother. Now what is going to happen to the big sister?" She smirked and took her knife and stabbed me right next to my heart. She then took the knife out of there and cut a big hole in my gut, so then I would look like Kale. Then I heard a cannon and I died.

End of Ezi's Nightmare

I sat up, panting. Emily I think turned around and saw that it was me.


I nodded and grabbed my flask of water. I took a long sip from it and set it down. Emily turned back around to continue guard. I fell back asleep and had the same dream but never stayed asleep long enough to find out who killed me.

The Dead (R.I.P.)

Day 1

Topaz District 1 by guards mutts at District 1 gate.

Bolt District 3 by Flint, District 6

Amaryllis District 5 by Vivetta, District 2

Bruce District 5 by Acacia, District 7

Tempest District 6 by Bolt District 3

Sage District 8 by Birch District 7

Briar District 9 by Magnolia District 11

Jessamine District 10 by Ares District 2

Barley District 10 by Ares District 2

Heath District 11 by Carawayy District 8

Day 2

Acacia District 7 by Flint District 6

Day 3

Cedar District 9 by Emily District 12 and Wira District 3

Magnolia District 11 by Ares District 2

Day 4

Birch District 7 by Ares District 2

Sapphire District 1 by Emily District 12 and Kale District 4

Day 5

Ares District 2 by Poisonous Froggies

6:50 PM

October 18 2011

Hey guys like I said before I need an editor they would get a sneak preview of both stories. Thanks for anyone reading this. I fell as if noone is reading it so please comment or vote please it makes me happy!! The song to the side is Come One Come All by All Time Low



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