Chapter 7

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Ezi's POV

Training the next day wasn't anything special I woke up. I ate breakfast. I went to training. I ate lunch with the Careers. I trained again. The next day we had our private sessions I planned on getting at least a good 6 but I bet I'm gonna get around an 8.I don't know what I'll do but it doesn't matter I'm a career, the careers always get the highest score, except Katniss' and Peeta's games.

I laid in bed trying to fall asleep but when I did nothing good came to my dreams. I gave up pulled on a sweatshirt and walked to the roof. It was empty and I was thankful I looked out at the Capitol and couldn't belive what was going on. There was a party but I saw one face everywhere. The girl from District 1 Sapphire, on buildings, on shirts, even she was out there. She was standing on a stage talking to a crowd but even if I couldn't hear her I was 99% sure that it was her. I decided to leave because I didn't need to see anything else that might happen.

I guess I fell asleep when I got to my room because the next morning Gliff's chirping woke me up " Get up, its a very big day." I got up got a shower and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a green shirt. I trudged down to the Dining hall and got some fruit and toast with some bacon. I nibbled on a strawberry while partially listening to Gliff ramble on about the training and the interviews. After a couple of minutes I saw fingers snapping in front of my face "Ezi Ezi are you even listening to me!"

"Yes  what were you saying"

"I was saying what strategy do you want use in the arena?"

"I don't know what do you think I should do?"

"Well if I were you I would pretend to be shy and timid and such but short tempered too."

I swear Gliff is some sort of girl in disguse I think to myself I mean with all that he says he could be.

"Yeah sure I'll do that."

After that we walked down to the Training Center, we waited to start the privat sessions but of course the Gamemakers had plans of taking their time. Eventually they called Topaz(District 1) in to start I waited and soon Kale's name was called. I waited about 20 minutes before they called me in. Once I walked in I knew exactly what to do.

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