Chapter 9

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I hope the list of tributes helped someone if not then oh well there is a list of people. Sorry bout the last chapter I had writeers block and kept changing my ideas in the middle of the story so yeah if you remember in the one chapter with that party and Sapphire you will find out more about it in like two chapters. I\ufffefm gonna stop my rant and thanks for all those who have been reading my story 


Ezi's POV 

We had just eaten and the it was just a reaction to the rue flowers to what happened earlier so I am fine, we had just talked about what we did for the private sessions with the gamemakers. While I was in the hospital area after the private sessions were done the Head Gamemaker came to me and told me thanks for burning all the dummies. I guess my fire had spread more than I wanted to. After I told that to everyone while being completely calm and just saying it simply, Kale and Rem and Emberly laughed and Gliff was staring at us like we were crazy.

Kale said he just did a little camouflage and used some knives. He probably did something else but I didn't say anything and just watched the television. The Careers went by but the little girl from District 3 had gotten an impressive 8. We looked at the screen and saw that Kale had gotten a 9. We all congratulated him and then my score showed up and I saw a .. .. .. (I'm not telling you will find out in time). They were all congratulating me and patting my back. After they finished I saw that the 12 year olds did really good and then I went in my room. After countless hours I finally fell asleep knowing tomorrow was going to be full of high heels, posture, compliments, and make up.

After what felt like one moment I was rudely awoken by someone I guess Rem banging on my door to get my lazy butt up. I groaned and got a shower. When I went back in my room, there was a dress on my bed I pulled it on and found Gliff sitting down with my brother while he had sagging eyelids and some suit on. I sat down to Kale and saw Gliff shoving a pair of shoes in his face. Kale sighed, took the shoes and put them on. After he finished with Kale he grabbed a pair of 5 inch high heels and dropped them on my lap. I put the shoes on and said "Gliff why are we wearing these ridiculous outfits."

"Because you need to learn to walk in heels and he needed something classy to wear. Duh. Alrighty then let\ufffefs have you both sit up straight, Kale don't let your shoulders drop. And Ezi smile not scowl you do want sponsers don't you?"

I shook my head yes and put on the best forced smile while trying to answer ridiculous questions. Everything I said had something to do with smiling, smiling before talking, smiling while talking, and smiling after talking. After about 4 and a half hours Gliff stopped and we went to eat lunch.

At lunch I quickly ate a roll, some chicken stuffed with fruits and such, and drank a little bit of water. Emberly took me to the television room while Rem stayed in the Dining Room.

"How did training with Gliff go?"

"Alright I guess my cheeks just hurt from smiling."

"I understand that. I was a tribute about 7 years ago, smiling and heels, that was the worst year of my life. Ok so lets go from a nice and sweet angle. You have to go into the Hunger Games with your baby brother, you had an amazing costume at the opening parade but no one knows about you."

"That's true I guess but really these people are betting on how long I will live. Why should I tell them about myself?"

"That\ufffefs true but these people are made of money they can decide life or death for you or your brother in the arena."

"That makes a little more sense."

"Think of these people as a friend not a great friend but a friend you occasionally talk to so they don\ufffeft know much about you."

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