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I just added a charecter in the book and so I'm going to list all of the charecters in the book before I add another. The ones with a bigger description are goin to be in the book most of the time.

->Sapphire District 1 Career tribute: 17 years old, 6 ft, very good with knives and other pointy weapons.

->Topaz District 1 Career tribute : 18 years old, 6"7, very good with spears and maces.

->Vivetta District 2 Career tribute: 16 years old, 6 ft, can kill with any object whatsoever and very strong.

->Ares District 2 Career tribute(Partially I have plans for him): 15 years old, 6"4, really tall and mean looking, can kill a person 100 different ways with just a knife.

->Wira District 3: 12 years old, 5 ft, skinny little person who barely can use a bow and arrow and is pretty good with a knife, but no other weapons.

Bolt District 3: 18 years old, 6"2, really good with electrical type things, can reactivate bombs, and is good with a sword.

->Ezi District 4 Career tribute(Partially you already know her plan): 16 year old, 5"11, good with bow and arrow, knives, spears and tridents.

->Kale District 4 Career tribute(partially you already know his plan. Possibly?): 12 year old, 5"4, good with knives, came to the Hunger Games with his older sister, made a plan with her.

Amaryllis District 5: 14 year old, 5"6

Bruce District 5: 13 year old, 5"4

Tempest District 6: 16 year old, 5"8

->Flint District 6 Career tribute(?): 18 year old, 6"7, really strong, has been asked to join the careers

Acacia District 7: 15 year old, 5"11

Birch District 7: 14 year old, 5"9

Carawayy District 8: 13 year old, 5"4

Sage District 8: 14 year old, 5"7

Briar District 9: 15 year old, 5"10

->Cedar District 9: 13 year old, 5"5

Jessamine District 10: 18 year old, 6"2

Barley District 10: 17 year old, 6 ft

Magnolia District 11: 17 year old, 5"11

Heath District 11: 12 year old, 5"4

->Emily District 12: 12 year old, 5 ft

->Ash District 12: 14 year old, 5"8

Here are all the tributes if there was an arrow next to the names there will be POV's for them so yeah. I am going to try to upload soon

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