Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 

Ezi's POV

Wira and I saw the fight that was going on between Vivetta and Emily. We ran over to see what they were doing. They were fighting!

Before we reached them an arrow came flying toward us. It hit Wira in the neck. I shot an arrow back at Vivetta seeing she is the only one with arrows. It hit her in the shoulder. We were about 10 yards apart and I could tell that Wira and Emily were dying. Vivetta pulled another arrow from her sheath. I grabbed one and my knife. I shot the arrow at her it hit her in the  stomach. She quickly yanked it out but by then I had one aimed at her temple. By now one of the cannons had gone off and Emily wasm't moving. The arrow that I had shot while she was pulling out the one in her gut hit her in the temple.

She teetered back a couple of steps from impact and then she fell down. I grabbed my knife and walked towards her. She tried to get one of her arrows but the sheath was caught under her back. She closed her eyes and whispered

"Do it quickly Ezi. Please I want to see my sister."

"I'm sorry Vivetta. I'm so sorry." With that I stabbed her in the heart. It only took a minute for her to die. There were only two of us left. Then I can see my baby brother. Only thing left is to find the person. I begin to think about the people who have died so far. There were about 10 dead on day one, 1 on day 2, 2 on day 3, 2 on day 5, none on day 6, and 4 so far today. I killed two out of four of them. THe only person left is a girl. I narrowed that down. 

I kept walking for about 5 more hours only stopping to get food and a drink. I hadn't found the girl and it was starting to get dark. I decided that I should get some rest if I want my brother back. I laid my jacket on the ground in the cover of a cactus and fell asleep.

Ezi's Dream

I was in the arena still. 

The very one I was in now.

I then hear my name.

"Ezibell Fowl, you are the winner of the 125th Hunger Games."

A hovercraft came to get me. The put the ladder down for me to grab but I didn't move.

Someone came down the ladder and tried to reason with me.

I didn't move. I only blinked.

The person gave up and just grabbed my arm and dragged me on the ladder.

They took me to the infirmary on the hovercraft. 

I looked down and saw I had deep gashes and scars up and down my arms and legs.

I dug my feet in the ground. I wanted to remember this.

They decided after trying to get me to move to just drug me.

I woke up and all the scars were gone.

Not a flaw on my body.

 There was an IV drip attached to my arm.

I yanked it out. I needed to die. 

I deserve it.

After I yanked it out alarms went off and nurses rushed into my room.

They took the IV drip and reattached it to my arm and then restrained me.

One nurse walked up to me with a syringe and stuck it in my other arm. 

I passed out.

End of Dream

I woke up with a scream. That's not supposed to happen. Now the other person is going to find me. Nevermind that's a good idea. In the distance I could see a faint outline. The girl was shorter, about 5'4. i grabbed my knife and looked in my sheath and saw I only had a couple of arrows left. I sighed and stood up preparing to fight. As she got closer I realized she wasn't running to fight me, she was running from something.

Soon I heard it, the sound of hooves. Well that's different, I thought, hooves in a desert. Then I saw the animals, or should I say mutants.

They were about five feet tall and running as if there was only one peice of meat left in the world. And they hadn't eaten for a week. They looked like cats but they had hooves and very pointy fangs but they were yellow. It had scaly skin that was a boring gray. The girl looked at me and mouthed

"RUN!" I grabbed my stuff of the ground and started sprinting. I think I only made the mutants madder because they started to growl. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I past the girl and then realized, these are Capitol made, they won't give up untill they catch their prey.

I whirled around and the girl looked at me like I was crazy and then turned around. I pulled my arrow out and aimed it at the mutt in the lead. I shot it in the heart. The mutt pulled it off and kept running. I decided that arrows weren't going to cut it. I grabbed my knife and charges at the closest mutt. I stabbed its throat and it kept running. I only had one weapon left, an axe.

I kept it because it was Kale's. If he came back I wanted him to have it. I needed it now. I decided to try and chop the heads off. One ran towards me so I swung the axe. It cut through more than three fourths of the head. The mutt fell and knocked over the one behind it.

Another that didn't trip over the others came up and I chopped its head clean off. After all the monsters were decapitated I turned to the girl. I think her name was Carawayy.

"Ezi, I think I'm dying."

I looked at her strangly. She wanted to die? She must have seen my look because she said

"I have nothing to fight for. If I beat you, then there would be Kale and I don't want to be responsible for the death of the two of you. You have your baby sister and your family ack at District 4, please make it quick."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright I'm going to make it as quick as possible."


I raised my axe and then brought it down and chopped her head off. I watched the blood run from her head and her ways stare all glossy-like at the sky. I shed a couple of silent tears and turned and started to walk. I heard the cannon go and the hovercraft come to pick her up. Then I heard my name being called by a voice that I despised. I despised that I so much. Then I realized something.

He's supposed to be dead.

Why isn't he dead?

He should be dead.

Something killed him.

Maybe he made a deal with the President.

That must have been it.

He made a deal with the President so that he could miss most of the Hunger Games.

That decieving little git.

That decieving little git was Ares.

An cliffhanger sorry for not uploading for a while but i was sidetracked with my other story enjoy only one chappie left

thanks caitlin

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